Flint and Steel Update 1

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Research Team,

The procedure was a success! Mr. Evan Thomas has fully become a dragon and survived the ordeal. He was noted with mood swings but these are to be expected. He was observed with extremely sad, extremely mad and extremely lusty moods. Mania was not observed nor reported by the staff nor the patients. We will continue to monitor his status and keep him a secret from the outside world. Regarding his right to visitors he will be allowed one visitor per his rights but we need to try and make sure this does not happen or make up a story to how he transitioned(I was thinking of having an negative reaction  but then that sounded far fetched. For now no visitors). 

He will be returned to his standard medications with different dosages. He will receive more Lithium and less Thorazine with the intention to wean him off by the end of the year. 

In terms of behavior he has formed a friendly bond with his cellmate and I suspect he may be keeping him somewhat stable. His social circle is already small as it is and this is good as it can keep him calm if he has a mood swing. These are expected to decrease as time goes on or if he finds something to distract himself with. So far we have found nothing to distract him. In terms of his non medical therapy he continues to do cognitive therapy, dream therapy and art therapy. He used to see the Catholic Chaplain until he was dismissed so he prays on his own or with Levi. This has shown to be of some therapeutic benefit but again it does not seem to be the last piece of keeping him calm. Continue to monitor and please destroy this after you have read it

Dr. Angela Schulz

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