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Lando tossed his phone away as soon as he had fired the question. "Fuck, fuck, fuck". He cursed, hopping from the bed and standing up, pacing back and forth. He was sure he scared her now or freaked her out maybe. But he couldn't wait any longer by asking the question. They had been texting each other so much in the past few days and even though she still didn't trust him, her replies made him smile and his thoughts were on her and on how beautiful she was in her pictures. Lando took his phone back in his hand, yet she hadn't replied anything, of course. She must be shocked right now. Lando moved a hand through his curly hair and looked over the message he had send a couple times more. It was friendly and if she wanted to decline it, she could and she was absolutely free to do so. He just wished she wasn't going to unmatch them and delete him out of his life.

What was he going to do if she said no? He could follow her on Instagram and give her a message there, but he was sure that would freak her out and confused her even more. It was probably the best to wait for her reply and see if she was up for it or not. Lando let himself fall back on his bed again, folding his hands behind his head and staring up at the ceiling while his phone rested on his stomach. He had started this for fun a week ago and now he was texting this girl he really liked. Lando hadn't felt before what he felt when Dagmar send him a message and it was a weird concept to him. He really didn't want to screw this up and the fact that she didn't send him back anything at the moment made him so nervous that he could throw up. Isa had clearly advised him to wait, yet he sort of ignored that and asked Dagmar if she wanted to go out with him straight away.

Maybe Isa had been right, that he shouldn't have done this. He picked up his phone and went to their chat in the dating app, typing a "Please, don't block me", but he shook his head at the childish and desperate phrase. Lando clicked the button on his phone to lock the screen, not typing anything in their chat and deciding to leave it be till she answered him, with either yes or no. Lando turned the TV off, he wasn't watching seriously for an hour or so anyway. He stripped from his clothing and pulled the sheets over himself while getting in bed. Lando turned to his side and the sleepiness he felt earlier this evening had completely been erased from his system. Lando bit his nails when turning to his back and let out a grunt in frustration. He shouldn't feel like this about a girl who thought that he was lying about everything on Tinder. He shouldn't feel his heart beating quicker when she chatted to him in the app. It was all for fun and not for these kind of dilemmas.

Lando wanted to get it off his chest, but he was sure Carlos would laugh in his face. He didn't feel like updating Connor about it and calling Oliver, who was now the only one of them two who had a girlfriend. Looked like he was going to deal with this alone. Lando swung his feet over the edge of the bed and sat up, feeling the cold floor underneath his feet. He got up and drank some water, shivering at the cold temperature of his apartment and he got back to bed soon after. Lando felt wide awake still and he knew he could keep tossing and turning till the sun rose above the horizon again. He sighed deeply again and folded his hands behind his head under the pillow, fighting the urge to take his phone in his hands again and check if she had send him anything, or to confirm if she did the worst scenario he could think of; block him or delete the match. He wished he met her in real life and not via this app.

Lando scoffed at himself, knowing he was overthinking and now getting to the ridiculous parts that didn't make any sense at all. He needed sleep and he knew it, however the adrenaline was rushing through his veins and he wished he could time skip or look into her mind. He looked up at the dark ceiling, closing his eyes and focusing on his heartbeats, starting to count them in hope his mind would be tired soon.

Dagmar laid on her side for a couple hours already and she hadn't found any sleep yet either. Her eyes had adjusted to the dark and she vaguely saw the silhouette of her phone laying on the nightstand. She had not fully grasped his message when reading it the first time and she was repeating the words over and over again to make sure she understood it right and she hadn't suddenly lost her sense of English.

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