Athena: Maybe they left it unlocked.

You put your fingers up to where the door meets the frame and slowly manage to wiggle it open.

Athena: Took you long enough.


Athena: Wait up.

You: Go faster.

You're walking faster than Athena, and she's struggling to keep up.

Athena: We won't beat them there. They'll probably wait on us anyway.

You: Do you know where they'll be?

Athena: I'd say we go on that hill we went on the other night to check around.

You slow down to let Athena catch up.

You: If we have to kill them, we do it.

Athena: Then what?

You: We stay.

Athena: They'll never stop looking for us.

You: What are they going to do without Heracles?

Athena: They've got that mask on you, and a huge group of people at their disposal.

You: We can take em.

Athena: So, we're going to try and get Heracles and Thanatos to leave?

You: I don't know. If you know they're about to start killing, kill them.

You see two people up ahead. One large man sitting on a car, and the other standing there. They're looking at you.

You: Found them.

Athena: Oh really?

She says sarcastically.

You: Play it cool

Athena: No, I'm going to play it uncool and get us killed like an idiot.

You sigh at her.

Athena: Don't hate me because you're making stupid statements.

You: We're almost there, shut up.

Heracles: You made it! It took you long enough. I was stuck with Thanatos for too long.

Thanatos: What does that mean?

Athena: He doesn't like you. You're a freak.

Heracles: Yes.

Thanatos: Where is this place?

You: Not too far.

You lead them to it.

Heracles: Are you ready to crack some skulls?!

Athena: I guess.

Heracles: Ares, where are your weapons?

You only brought your knife, and a pistol.

You: Don't need more than my chains and knife.

Heracles: Then why bring the pistol?

You: Just in case.

Heracles: I need to teach you to believe in yourself.

You: I believe in myself. It just doesn't hurt to be cautious.

Heracles: Being cautious is for puny men.

Athena: Heracles... He's just not compensating for anything.

Heracles: What am I compensating for?

Athena: Your, small, pecker.

Heracles: That isn't very nice.

Thanatos: I don't think she cares.

Athena: Finally, Thanatos says something that I agree with!

Heracles: I am telling Deimos of your rude behavior when we get back.

Athena: Do it pussy.

Heracles: For such a tiny girl you are scary.

Athena: Damn straight.

You: Shut up we're almost there.

Athena: What's the plan Heracles?

Heracles: We run in and kill them all. HA! It should be fun.

Athena: Yep, got it.

You don't know if they're still at the factory. No need to kill them yet. You can tell Athena is following your lead without looking at her.

You get closer and begin to hear people rushing around.

You: Shit.

You keep walking and Heracles speeds up To walk beside you.

Heracles: Where is the front gate?

You: I don't know.

Heracles: Through the wall it is!

He runs forward as fast as he can. He smashes into the crappy wall and falls over. You hurry up to make sure he doesn't do anything.

You get to him just as he stands up. The people are staring at you. Thanatos arrives and stands on your right Heracles on your left.

Heracles: What are you staring at?

Thanatos: You're from Richmond.

Heracles: Oh? Survivors of our wrath... Should be fun!

You grab your knife from your sheathe and jam in through Thanatos's chin and into his head in one fluid motion. Heracles turns to see what is happening.

Heracles: You traitorous snake!

He backhands you, knocking you to the ground. It almost knocks you out. Your knife is now lodged in Thanatos's chin.

Heracles: Athena! Take care of them, I will deal with this one.

He stomps at you and you roll out of the way. You stand up, wobbling a little bit.

Heracles: You should quit while you're ahead.

You: I'm good.

You pull the pistol out from your holster and aim it at him. He knocks it out of your hand just before you pull the trigger.

You: Where are you at Athena?!

You don't get a reply.

Heracles: Don't drag her down with you.

He swings a left hook at your head, but he's slow. You dodge under and bring a fist into his stomach. You can feel the blow get absorbed.

Heracles: Give up Scu- AHH!

A gunshot sounds as a bullet enters his shoulder.

He stumbles to a small bit of rubble to assess the situation. You can see Clementine holding your pistol in her hand, balancing on only one crutch. She's aiming it at Athena.

You: Clem!

She looks at you.

You: Throw that to me!

She hesitates but throws it to you. You catch it and aim it at Heracles for the killing blow, but just before you shoot, your muscles contract. You pull the trigger and miss. The shocking sensation travelling through your body is intense.

Heracles: We can deal with them later. Let's deal with this one first.

Athena had the controller; Heracles isn't holding it.

He reaches down and grabs the chains around your ankles and begins dragging you. The shock of electricity stops, and you lose consciousness.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now