Fury Soon To Come

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His eyelids, feeling heavy, fluttered open. He blinked his crimson eyes a few times, letting them adjust to the dank dungeon light. He glanced around, wondering where in Hyrule he could possibly be. He was so confused; how had he arrived here, in this mysterious place? Where was he?

He racked his brain, trying to recall what he had done, and to his dismay he couldn't remember anything after talking with Lexi by the lake. Heck, he couldn't even remember if he had told her about Ganon yet or not.

Now having fully regained consciousness, Vaati began to sit up from his uncomfortable position on a cold, hard floor. He was sore all over, as though he had been tossed about and banged. There were visible bruises on his legs and even a few small though mostly insignificant cuts, and his head hurt like you wouldn't believe.

That's when he noticed the chains.

Big and bulky, they held his hands tightly behind his back in an awkward position, and when he tried to preform a simple spell he was unable to do so because of the position the binds held his hands in. He couldn't even move his fingertips, the chains were so tight and wide. They practically went around his entire hand, keeping his magic secure within his trapped palm. It was as though the chains were enchanted, making magic an impossibility to the unlucky wearer.

There was a chain binding the sorcerers feet together as well, and he couldn't stand up because of it. It encircled his ankles and attached to a stone wall so he wouldn't even be able to escape his confinement by crawling. Not only was it incredibly annoying to have been caught like this, but Vaati knew for certain that whoever his captor was wasn't messing around, and he had a pretty good idea as to who it was.

He glanced around, analyzing the prison and looking for an escape. The walls were made of stone, and there were no windows anywhere in sight. The only possible escape route was the wooden door, tightly bolted shut with a huge brass lock in need of an equally large key.

"Oh, confound it, this is hopeless," Vaati growled under his breath, struggling to his knees and trying to make his way over to the door. He had to do something, and sitting to rot in his chains was not on his list of options.

Just then he heard heavy footsteps growing increasingly louder outside the prison door, and Vaati braced himself for who he knew was about to enter. His suspicions were confirmed when the door unlocked, and Ganon walked in with an air of annoying superiority, similar to Vaati's own.

"Ah, look who it is," Ganon snarked, grinning in a way he easily made look threatening. Vaati was still on his knees, unable to stand because of the chains, and he despised having to look up at the piece of work before him. He shot Ganon a brave, fierce glare and stuck his chin out, trying to maintain his pride.

Ganon laughed in false pity, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. "I've been wanting to talk to you, you know," Ganon began, speaking down to Vaati in an obviously condescending manner. "I sent Shadow after you to warn you of what would happen if you didn't comply to my rules. Such a shame you decided not to listen."

"I don't take orders from you," Vaati cut in with a snarl. "Why do you even care about what I do?"

"Vaati," Ganon sighed, "lets get something straight between us right now. I am in charge here. You obey me if you want to live to see another day. You either work for me or against me, got that? That's why I care about what you do. You see, once I heard about your little 'redemption' nonsense, I thought I'd step in before you switched sides and I'd have to kill you. While you are expendable, it's always good to have an extra boss under my wing. You'd weaken Link, and then I could go in for the kill. Do you understand?"

Vaati spoke in a dangerous, deadly calm. "No, Ganon, how about I explain something to you. I don't work for you. I'll never work for you. You are a piece of crap and I am so much more than just another boss, you damned piece of Gerudo scum. If you think for one second that I am on your side, you are sadly mistaken." He had begun to tremble in rage as he finished, staring up at Ganon with narrowed eyes, tense and angry. He would not back down. He was too far into this to back down.

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