Trust Her Instinct

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"I feel weird, like there's someone following us. Call it a guards instinct, I don't know, but can we please keep an eye out?"

"There isn't anything, dear, but if you insist..."

Vaati and Lexi had decided to stop and take a small break by one of Hyrule's shimmering lakes. Lexi had made sure that there was no one around by almost obsessively scoping around bushes and trees for unwanted visitors, and after not seeing anything out of the ordinary she had been forced to succumb to Vaati's wishes about cutting out her increasing paranoia.

Uncertain as to what to do next, Vaati had decided that the best move to make was to stop for a small while and take a break from the growing stress of redemption.

He'd also been having a mental debate with himself as to whether or not it would be best to tell Lexi the truth about the possible issue with Ganon, and he had come to rest at the conclusion that it would. He despised how seriously he was taking the matter, but felt as though it would be more helpful and less hindering if Lexi knew full well what she was up against.

He hated changing his mind on something he'd already decided against; he was just worried about losing her. Not like he actually cared that much about having her along, or so he tried to convince himself, but he had grown used to her company and it would be lonely to say in the least if she were to opt out of the rest of the journey now.

"So, um," Vaati began awkwardly, "I wanted to let you know something." He gave a cough and began smoothing out some nonexistent wrinkles in his cape. A nervous habit of his. The two were seated beside each other on a log from a fallen tree, providing a gorgeous view of the lake. The sun was setting as they spoke, and its rays gave a glorious reflection off the rippling surface of the crystal clear water.

"Yes?" Lexi looked at him expectantly, and he was forced to continue under her bright violet stare.

"It's just about the last task. I think I might know what I'll have to face off against in the end." Even though he was unsure of himself, he still managed to sound haughty.

"Oh, do continue," she urged him, curious as to what he was getting at.

They were both so caught up in conversation with each other that they didn't notice the figure hiding nearby who was stealthily inching closer without so much as a sound, silent as the dark shadow he was.

"To be more or less blunt, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Gano-"

Vaati was silenced mid sentence by a sharp blow over the back of the head with an empty glass bottle. A surprised gasp escaped his lips and he fell back, unconscious, as Lexi let out a loud shriek.

She shot up and spun around, eye to eye with none other than Shadow Link. He smiled, and she was too outraged at him to notice that his actions were not of his liking nor of his own free will. There was no mischievous glimmer in his eyes, and his cocky smile was fake and forced.

"Stay out of the way, girl," Shadow ordered, trying his best to sound imposing and threatening. "I seriously don't want to have to hurt you too. I've got enough on my hands as it is," he gestured to Vaati laying on the ground, as though exasperated by the whole ordeal.

Lexi ignored the command and drew her sword anyways, pointing it at Shadow. Her eyes crackled with a different, defensive type of fire that had never been seen there before.

"Why in the goddesses name did you do that to him?" She asked angrily, shooting a glance at the wind mage laying unconscious at her feet.

Shadow ignored the question and raised his right hand in the air, making some sort of signal with his forefinger and thumb. All of a sudden, a giant horde of over twenty miniblins rushed out from behind trees surrounding the lake, all of them cackling and heading straight for Lexi. Though she was incredibly skilled in the way of the sword, there was no way she would be able to take on a monster horde that big by herself.

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