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Keeping his eyes fixed on the golden portal of light glowing on the ground right in front of him, Vaati tried to make sense of what exactly had just happened to him. The goddesses had actually come to speak to him, not to punish him but to offer a new possibility of a second chance? That had definitely been an unexpected and completely unplanned turn of events in his life.

Since when did the sacred goddesses come down to talk to their prisoners to offer them an escape? Not ever, at least not to him. It was unheard of for sacred beings such as the goddesses to even associate themselves with any mortals besides the hero and the princess.

So why did they care so much for him? Nobody in his entire life had ever shown so much as an ounce of care towards him, it was always pity, disappointment, hatred and sorrow. This feeling of being cared for was completely new to him, and he still wasn't used to it. All his life he had never been loved or accepted by anyone, and he really did want to experience that feeling.

If what they had said was true, they had always cared for him but wanted him to find the right path on his own terms, but since he still hadn't reached it after eight thousand years the three had decided to interfere and take matters into their own hands. Though it hurt his pride that they had to help him see the right way, he was secretly glad they'd interfered when they did. Without their guidance, he didn't think he ever would have come to terms with the possibility of even trying to be nice.

Now the one thing that Vaati had daydreamed about over and over again with the belief that it was just an impossibility was finally a real opportunity. He could be good, loved, free and forgiven by all who had been hurt by his wrongdoings. He could be known for something truly worthwhile.

But should he take the chance? Now the daunting question faced him, wether or not to risk it all. It was a hard decision to make, and he wasn't sure if he was up to it or not. If he chose to step into the portal, he would always remember his evil past and wish for it again, but if he didn't take the chance then he would live with the horrible, wishful regret for as long as he lived.

On one hand, if he stayed in the four sword for eternity he would keep his infamous reputation as the evil sorcerer of winds forever. Feared by all, he would be forever known in history for only his bad and selfish acts and never for anything good and kind. That is, if he even escaped the four sword on his own. Escaping by himself seemed to be out of the option at the moment. The goddesses had made it very clear to him that if he wished to remain evil they would do all in their power to keep him contained in the dreadful sword for eternity, trying to make sure he wouldn't be able to harm Hyrule again. Shuddering, he tried not to think of spending another couple lifetimes inside of the empty sword.

On the other hand, Vaati could finally live his well kept secret dream of being known for something good. He would no longer be feared, but actually had a chance of being loved if he took up the goddesses on their offer of taking on the three tasks and becoming a better person. He would be able to live life with normality, never to be sealed in the four sword again.

"Why is this so difficult?" Vaati muttered frustratedly. He was struggling with his inward debate over what choice to make, and it hurt his ego to even consider becoming good. "I couldn't possibly choose the goddesses pure path of light, could I...?"

Inside, Vaati wanted to step into that magical golden portal and take his chance at forgiveness. The only big thing holding him back was his huge amount of pride. Everything he had worked for since the day he first stole his masters wishing cap would have been all for naught. The bad deeds he had done and the crimes he had committed would have been pointless, and he didn't want to think that he'd wasted his life trying to gain ultimate power for absolutely nothing.

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