Episode 4: Lower The White Flag

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Power Rangers Primal Spirits

Episode 4: Lower The White Flag

Over the many centuries he had been plundering the universe, Arcadyx had managed to build up quite a collection of creatures, treasures and desirables in the Ethospear's holding area. Whether it was a set of priceless Aquitian Mistgems, the last surviving Kaienian Prime Emberhowler or even the entire population of some unnamed world in the Enzigatto System; if it had a price to be made on the interstellar black markets, how could Arcadyx resist the chance to make some sweet XenoCreds? Just above the holding area, he was leaned against the guard rail, observing the population go about their days, as the Tentycons scurried around to unload any other treasures and collectables their master had acquired over the years. "So many beautiful monstrosities to unleash on those rainbow colored vermin, and so little time..." he said, with a quiet sigh, as his ever faithful secretary Khamelia wrapped her jet black arms around him.

"In a weird way, I miss the ones those pitiful little Rangers destroyed... don't you, darling?" she softly spoke, as Arcadyx gave a small chuckle. "I do, but as you know, when it comes to business, you gotta let some things go..." he said, as he turned around to her "But I once I get those Spirit Cubes, and the power they hold...", he put his hands around her waist "I can have whatever, and whoever... I want." he said with an almost seductive chuckle. Just then, he had heard a bit of commotion going on in Cell Sector 23. To his non-surprise, it was between Ironhorn and Veinemous again; the two had been at each other's throats more times than he could count. Ironhorn gave Veinemous a heavy blow to the skull, sending him right into the cell wall, as the Tentycons frantically scrambled to try and stop the fighting, but the foot soldiers were no match for the two monsters, while the rest of their cell mates cheered the two to keep fighting.

Ironhorn was clad in silver and cool blue, with fin like growths over his body, a massive armored shoulder on his right, and a blade-like appendage on his left arm. Meanwhile, Veinemous, true to his name, was covered in a bright red, veiny material with a purple-ish, blue underbody, a large , almost coral-like growth covering his right arm and protruding from his shoulder, while his left arm had metallic armor across it with large tubes coming out of them. "If you insult my mother like that again, I'mma tear off that fancy tube arm of yours, and shove it right down your nasty, greasy, slimy mouth!" roared Ironhorn, seething in anger. Veinemous simply chuckled, with a deadly hiss. "Hissss.... You couldn't, hissss, beat me on your, hissss, best day..." he spat out, slime billowing out of his mouth. Ironhorn growled loud enough for any person to actually feel inside of them.

"Oh yeah? I'm ending this once and for all, you disgustin' slimeball!" he roared, charging forward, while Veinemous did the same. All of a sudden, four large balls and chains found themselves wrapped around their legs, stopping them dead in their tracks. Those belonged to Lockdown, the self-proclaimed warden of Cell Sector 23. He might've been captured from the prison world of Tekkan, but with the way he acted, you'd think he was a part of Arcadyx's crew. "Okay, knock it off you two Jellybrains!" he commanded with a growl, swinging around another one of his trademark Entrapment Chains. He was covered in black and white stripes from head to toe, with two massive crystalline, siren light like growths on his shoulders; the left was red while the right was a blackish-blue. " Stay out of this, Lockdown! You ain't the boss of us!" snarled Ironhorn, trying to free himself from the Entrapment Chain.

Lockdown slowly walked toward him, as the crowd's cheers very quickly died down, his expression unchanging, and each of his six blue and yellow eyes staring him down. "Oh, is that so Ironhorn? Who's the one that's got 'ya all chained up, then?" he spoke, just before ramming his golden, gauntleted fist straight into Ironhorn's gut. "That's right, I do!" growled Lockdown, as Ironhorn writhed around on the floor, clutching his gut in pain. Veinemous, on the other hand, remained perfectly still, almost content with what had happened to him. "And yet, hissss, here you are, imprisoned on this accursed ship, with the rest of these, hissss, disgusting lowlifes...." he scowled, just as he fired his tube arm right at Lockdown who, with lightning fast reflexes, caught the tubes right out of the air. "Oh, 'ya think so, do 'ya Veinemous?" he snarled, turning to the helpless monster.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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