Episode 3: The Wild Green Yonder

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Deep in the untamed jungles of South America, a team of around eight people were stationed at a small research camp, with four tents pitched up for the crew to sleep in. There were dozens of crates, filled with research equipment and food rations. Inside one of the tents was a researcher on a laptop searching through the research notes on it. This was Owen Holland, a man of about twenty-nine years. He was wearing a tan colored vest with a green T-Shirt underneath. He had medium stubble with slightly graying hair and a buzzed haircut, along with a small pair of eyeglasses. Owen was reviewing the notes he and his team had compiled on The Tusked Throne, or at least what little information they could possibly gather. From what little the notes had said, The Tusked Throne was one of many creations of a race of beings known only as the Precursors. They existed hundreds of millions of years ago, well before even the Dinosaurs.

The Precursors were unimaginably powerful beings that created an expansive civilization that spanned across the entire Earth, and then they vanished without a trace, as if they never existed in the first place. Even the smallest of artifacts like pots or tools are next to impossible to find, much less a temple of all things; this is because all Precursor relics are believed to be buried deep below the Earth, where no one is able to find them. However, about five years ago there was a mining operation that discovered a set of runes that were unlike any known civilization. Owen had managed to obtain one of these runes and spent the last half a decade trying to learn about the Precursors' way of life, what their technology was capable of and why they disappeared in the first place. An organization Owen was a part of was also interested in the discovery and preservation of Precursor artifacts, and thus funded the expedition.

Scanning through the notes, and remembering what the runes had said through a long two years worth of deciphering and translation, The Tusked Throne was an ancient temple, believed to have served as a museum of sorts, housing relics from a powerful clan of Precursors. Its estimated location was about an hour at walking distance, and they should be able to reach it without much trouble... or so he thought. He soon noticed everything was strangely quiet, even for the jungle. He put the laptop down at his side and stepped outside the tent, and soon discovered the crew was completely missing; all of the equipment was still there but the researchers were nowhere to be found. "Where could they have gone?" he thought to himself, taking a few steps forward to investigate. At that moment, Owen felt something slither over his left foot... and it wasn't a snake.

Just as he was about to look at his foot, he was quickly snatched up and flipped upside down, as thick vines quickly tangled him up, hanging him upside down. Before he was able to find out what happened, a large mound of dirt sprung up in front of him, which suddenly shifted and molded itself into a humanoid being, while giving a devilish chuckle. She was tall, dark being with bark-like skin and massive rose like plants growing out of her shoulders, with a hood like design over her ever grinning face. Her name was Vithornia, the next monster Arcadyx had sent down. Owen struggled as the monster slowly strutted up to him, chuckling quietly. "Don't worry, little weed..." she said, putting a finger to Owen's lips, before more vines quickly wrapped around his head, silencing him. "I'll be sure to come back for you." she chuckled, before shifted back into the ground, leaving Owen to struggle in vain.

Meanwhile, back in Spring Shallows, as several construction crews continued their repairs on the Conservation Center after the Rangers' battle with Spikester and the Tentycons, the Center's team of employees were gathered at the entrance. Standing in front of them was Director Mikhaila, the Center's owner and their boss. She had short brownish-black hair, with olive colored skin and brown eyes. "Everybody, I have good news and I have some bad news." she said, her hands kept behind her back. "The good news is, thanks to the efforts of a new team of Power Rangers, the Center is mostly intact; the majority of the animals are okay, and our fellow crew members are as well." she said, as the crowd gave a cheer filled applause. "Unfortunately, there is still a lot of damage done to the center, and it will take several weeks before we're ready to start operations again." she said, with a stoic expression.

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