Episode 1: The Hunt Is On

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Racing through the emptiness of space was the Ethospear, one of the most revered, and feared, ships in the entire universe, with its bright lavender and gold highlights all adorned across its sleek hull. It was a ship that was proud of its status, and its owner was even prouder to show it off. Sitting inside the cockpit was one of the most notorious individuals in all of the universe; somebody who absolutely revelled in the infamy he attained over the centuries. He was the self-proclaimed "greatest pirate of all the stars"; he was Arcadyx and if he wants something, he always gets it. As he sat on his throne of a seat, watching every star and planet zoom by in hyperspace, tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair, his underlings; the endless Tentycons, manned the stations, all speaking in their clicks and whistles, working to pilot the ship. The ship soon slowed out of hyperspace, revealing the vibrant rings of Saturn out the window.

He stood up from his massive seat and walked toward the windows, as the holographic displays calculated the destination, while a big smile formed on his face. "Alright, boys! We're almost at our destination! The greatest treasure in all of the universe is right in our grasp!" he cackled like a maniac as the ship roared toward its goal. Meanwhile, on a not-so-distant planet, deep underground there was a man on their knees in a prayer position as still as the stone around him; eyes tightly shut and his mind in deep thought. In his hands were what looked like two rubik's cubes covered in stone, with small veins of vibrant blue energy flowing through them. Suddenly, without warning, the man's eyes opened wide; something was coming to this world, and it was time to prepare for its arrival. Almost on cue, the two cubes slowly rose from his hands, and quickly raced behind him and out through a nearby cavern entrance.

Meanwhile, a small black pickup truck arrives in the town of Spring Shallows, which was founded in the early 60s and is best known for its world class conservation center, designed to house and protect endangered species. Stepping out of the passenger's side was a man in his early twenties in a brown leather jacket, tan T-shirt and black jeans. "Ladies and gentlemen, strange seekers of all ages! We are here in the town of Spring Shallows investigating the newly surfaced rumors of "ghost lights" that have been spotted in the nearby woods of the town. Is it a simple prank, or... could it be something much more sinister? I'm Nathan Morrison, and this... is Cryptoseekers." said the man to the phone in his left hand. Another man stepped out from the driver's seat wearing a white sleeveless shirt and brown cargo shorts. This was Nathan's best friend Joshua DeMarco, who's been with him through thick and thin.

"I swear, Nate, if this ends up being another goosechase like that Lake Monster of Saneda City or Golem of Stone Canyon..." said Josh, in a frustrated manner, prompting Nate to shut his phone off and give him a disappointed look. "Well how was I supposed to know that golem was some weird cosplay of Ultra Rockman RX some kid was doing?!" he responded. "Besides, I swear this story is 100% true! I've got legitimate sources confirming this! This could be the big break we're looking for, man!" said Nate, eyes as wide as they can go, as Josh just sighed, crossing his arms. "Alright, look... if this ends up being another fake, I will personally, on camera, apologize to you and every one of our viewers... heck, I will pay you for all the gas we used driving here, deal?" he said, as Josh turned to him. "Deal." he responded, as they both shook hands. "Okay, so... what's the plan, Nate?" he asked.

"Our first stop is the Bernadine Park Ranger Station, that's where the lights were supposedly seen last, so we'll check there first." said Nate, as they stepped back into the truck and started driving through downtown. As Summer started rolling in, Spring Shallows could have thousands of people visiting; not just for its conservation center, but also for the fact it's a popular coastal town, and can bring surfers and beach goers from all around the world. As Josh continued driving the truck through town, Nate just stared out the window, watching the endless cavalcade of civilians walk zoom by on the sidewalks, entering and exiting the various shops and stores all along the street; one such store was the Spring Shallows National Supermall, and just outside it was the town's official mascot, Barry the Blue Whale, since the town is also known for being a perfect place for spotting Blue Whales.

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