Chapter 32

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A week passed so quick which no one didn't realise.. next morning was their first exams.. everyone was nervous and scared too expect Avni and Neil.. avni wasn't sacred or nervous because the reason was Neil khanna.. Neil khanna taught her which she struggled in certain subjects or particular topic..

At khanna house.. everyone was sitting in hall after dinner and talking about their tomorrow exams which was their first paper... only two was person was relaxed.. but their relaxer shocked three pair of eyes which was none than Avni's friends.. suhneria, sitara and Tara who was shocked seeing avni not worrying because in their friendships it's only avni who would be worried every moment till they don't sit the paper.. it doesn't matter how much Avni has revised but she always be nervous and prayed to god..

Suhneria: avni.. are you okay..

Avni got confuse hearing her but soon understood why this question was asked by suhneria..

Avni : suhneria I'm fine? What will happen to me?

Ali : yeah.. suhneria she looks fine.. what will happen to her..

Tara: Ali you won't get it.. only we know..

Neil : what's so that we don't know?

Sitara: that avni always be nervous and scared for exams.. but today there is no nervous or worry on her face.. this is shocking..

Avni: guys it's nothing like that..

Suhneria: really avni..

Avni : yes.. I'm full prepared this time as Neil helped me too..

All nodded while Neil was happy hearing all that.. soon they went back to Neil's room and settled down to revise...

Since past days neha didn't join then which made Neil happy... he would teach avni while admiring her the house way she would studying and her hair falling down as she used to bend down.. he would even tucked her hair back making her smile thinking as friend way..

His staring session never ended expect sometimes as avni could call him for help... seeing him lost she would be confused but shrugged her shoulder..

Neil was thinking about past week moments when he heard Avni calling him.. he looks at her and saw her confuse face and chewing pen end which made her look more cute..

Neil: need help..

Avni quickly drops the pen on the floor and nodded.. she realised what she did and bend down to pick her pen up..

Avni : this question.. I don't get it..

Neil : let me help you..

Avni passed him the book while Neil starts explaining and tried to make her understand.. it made him explain once again as Avni was still confuse.. after second time explaining avni got it and smiled at him.. in her excitement she hugged him making him feel so happy..

Avni quickly broke the hug and continued with her revision.. she didn't realise what she Did.. while Neil was lost in hug and thought..

Neil pov: : am I falling for avni... no .. I only like her as my friend... yeah.. but this feelings... why I feel like staring her all the time... why...Neil you can't do this... she shouldn't know about your feelings... maybe I'm falling on her... but how will I ever get the same love back...

His thoughts were disturbed as he felt some weight on him.. he look down and saw avni laying her head down in his lap.. he didn't realise when his hand starts caressing her hair...

He didn't want to ran away from his feelings but also knew this wasn't right.. he carefully held Avni's head and tried to get up.. once he was up.. he too pillow behind Avni and placed her head down..

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