Everyday Unusualities

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Within the day Belfast managed to become fairly accustomed to how things ran in the Sakura Empire, and it wasn't long before she was helping out in the kitchens. To ensure that she didn't try to escape a tracker was secured onto the maid's ankle in the form of a fancy anklet, despite her saying she wouldn't try.

"She makes some pretty good food for a person who's never been here." Kaga chuckles as she and her sister Akagi find themselves staring at some very western food that Belfast made with whatever ingredients she could find in the Sakura Empire's kitchens. "I mean she's a prisoner of war and everything but still, I think the commander was really getting onto something when he suggested this."

"You tell me." Akagi says as the two begin eating and their eyes light up. "Oh my gosh..."

"Is it that bad?" Kaga asks.

"No it's that good!" Akagi replies, and Belfast peeks around the corner.

"I take it you like the food?" Belfast asks.

"It's definitely a taste that we're not used to." Kaga replies. Meanwhile with Atago, Takao and the Ironbloods...

"So we'll be using this time to build up our weaponry." Takao says.

"Sounds like an excellent idea. Who knows what the Azur Lane is trying to build." The commander replies.

"With what's been going on as of late though we probably won't even need to do anything for a few days." Atago says. "You really think the Azur Lane is going to try and attack us while we have one of their best ships hostage?"

"They could, but then they'd lose her." Bismarck replies. "I say we use this time to relax and strengthen ourselves." And with that the group disbands to do their own stuff. That's when Atago and Roon start following the commander around, something he notices as soon as the others are nowhere in sight.

"...Can I help you?" The commander asks.

"Is that any way to talk to your big sister?" Atago asks. "I thought you were more well mannered than that."

"Big sister? I just got to know you!" The commander quickly replies. "What made you think to call me that? What even brought this on to start?!"

"You're just too cute when you're not in the battlefield!" Atago says, pinching the commander's cheek.

"I'm sorry but I think you've got the wrong person." Roon says, grabbing onto the commander's arm.

"Whoa... Roon what's going on here?" The commander asks.

"I'm just... Marking my territory." Roon giggles.

"Bismarck... Where are you...? Come here and save me from this..." The commander says in his head as Atago then starts glaring at Roon.

"Territory you say? The commander is not your property." Atago says.

"Just like you're not his big sister." Roon replies. "I thought you'd be heavier considering all the rice bowls you ate yesterday." As soon as she finishes a vein pops up on Atago's head.

"Did you just call me FAT?!" Atago shouts. "I triple dog dare you to say that again!"

"In a heartbeat." Roon snickers evilly. Fortunately the commander's wishes are answered as Bismarck and Tirpitz walk by and notice his predicament.

"Roon? Atago? What is going on here?" Tirpitz asks.

"Here let him go, you two look ready to tear him in half!" Bismarck replies as she and her sister pry the two heavy cruisers off of the commander.

"Thank you so much Bismarck." The commander says, hugging the blonde battleship. Bismarck is initially startled before she returns the hug.

"What's the big idea?" Tirpitz asks the two.

"The commander was just too cute!" Atago replies.

"She was in the way." Roon replies.

"Now that's not any way to speak to your allies is it?" Tirpitz asks. "Don't let me catch you two messing with the commander again." And with that the heavy cruisers scamper off like frightened squirrels.

"Are they gone?" The commander asks.

"Yeah, they're gone." Bismarck replies as the two let go.

"Once again thank you, you two." The commander says. "I was worried they were going to do worse."

"You know, ever since Roon's been constructed... Don't you think she might have a screw loose?" Bismarck asks.

"Now that I've seen this, I'm starting to think that too. I thought it was just her enjoying war a little too much but even now I see it." The commander replies.

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