"5-5 next point wins." Alvaro yelled out. I nodded my head convinced that I was going to win.

"Go Avery!" Vic and Taylor yelled their support from the bleachers.

"Y'all better be ready to do the chicken dance." I said while serving the ball over to their side. Alejandro hit it back to Jenna but she wasn't paying attention.

"Jenna!" I ran over to try and save the ball but it hit the ground.

"Yessir!" Alejandro yelled out. He went to dap Alvaro up and walked over to our side. I was on the floor sitting on my legs regretting all life decisions.

"Nice one Jenna now we have to do the chicken dance at lunch today." She stuck her hand out and helped me up.

"You can squeeze my cheeks to make you feel better." I playfully shook my head and walked over to my bag.

"Just twenty minutes then you'll have to perform the dance." Alvaro was laughing at us.

"I think you'll look cute Avery." Alejandro said to me. I smiled and walked away. Before knowing that he liked me, I would just think nothing of it. But since I do know, I know he really will think I'll look cute...

Me and Jenna both took our time walking to Spanish class.

"You going or skipping today?" I asked Jenna while opening the gym doors. She told me she was going so that I wouldn't be alone today.

The classroom only had like 7 students in total today due to it being a half day.

"This is so boring. I should've skipped." She was on instagram just swiping on her explore page. I was doing the same but stopped when Mattia texted me.

i heard you gotta do the chicken dance today lmfaoo

not funny this is gonna be embarrassing😭

have someone record it i wanna see
wow fun things always happen
when i'm not there this isn't fair

🙄 i don't want to do it but i don't
back out of bets:/

what class you in ?

spanish it's almost done tho
i gtg


The bell rang for lunch and now it was time to embarrass ourselves.

"You ready?" I asked Jenna while walking in. Alvaro, Alejandro, Kairi, Robert, and Roshaun were already at the table waiting for me.

"You're a fucking dick and I hate you for this." I playfully hit Alvaros shoulders. Roshaun pulled out a speaker and turned it on.

"Get ready chickens." We rolled our eyes and let Alvaro take the lead. He got on top of a table to get peoples attention.

"Students at pv we have the beautiful Avery Castano and her friend Jenna Hablitz here to dance for you." Everyone was now looking at our table.

"Please give your undivided attention." Kairi said while getting his phone to record. Me and her got on top of the table and waited for Roshaun to press play.

The music came on and we started dancing. This is so embarrassing.

"Shake it baby!" I heard Taylor yell from her table. Please make it end.

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