{The Legend}

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"It was once said in the Noldor legends, that whoever wielded the sword of the first king will rule. Though the sword has been lost in time, and thus, this legend lost from minds."

-Origins Unknown, Quoted by Glorfindel of Rivendell


So I was thinking about the sword Grace was given for the quest and thought to myself, "this would make for an interesting extra plot point!" And so this legend was created by yours truly! So the men and women of the Noldor will be introduced later in this book, but before the third book, and will be reintroduced in the third book. They will be followers of Grace and basically her people. I'm not going to say what else will happen since I've already given away this much.
Actually here's a little more!! There will be more letters between Grace and her lover(who I bet you guys already know lol) <3

Yes, this book is on hiatus because I have literally no inspiration to write it, which is what I said in my dms to a person who texted me about "backing out" of writing this. I have no such intentions, but until I get inspired or finish the prologue to this entire series, I wont be writing in it. Updates will be posted to my profile board and please if you have anything to say, either text me or post it on my board.

Sincerely, Max <3

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