Hi :)

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So it's 2020, that's cool - kind of.
Sorry I've neglected my account - I last logged on over a year ago which is really bad of me :')

But I just wanted to upload all of my drafts/unfinished work to my account just so you can all see it, because why not. I felt bad for taking down some of them, and the messages I've gotten also show that you guys actually liked them. Which is still so weird for any one to like anything I've done.

I just wanted to do this as a way of ending a chapter I guess - publishing everything as a form of goodbye.
I'm leaving for uni this year (fucking terrifying) and I would be lying if I said I was going to carry these on. So feel free to imagine any endings honestly I have no idea where they would've ended up either.

I wish you all good luck for the future, especially with everything that's going on in the world as of now (January 11th 2020) and I hope you all are safe and happy.

Thank you for the past few years :)

Emily x

Btw if anyone wants to contact me still you can find my tumblr at: username-wastaken :)

(I'm very creative I know)

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