11 - 24th

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I know this may not be the biggest achievement but... I HAVE OVER 100 VOTES AND IM SO THANKFUL I LOVE YOU ALL :)
I honestly thought this book would be a little thing that me and a few friends of mine will read. Thank you for everything I hope to provide you guys with more chapters, double update on weekends! (if I'm awake that is) If you have any ideas or suggestions make yourself he heard! :)

Emily xo


"Welcome to-"


"Oh it's you..."

"What do you mean it's you?"

"You know what you should just give me your number."


"You know so we don't have to talk through recorded phone calls."

"These are recorded?"

"Did you not know?"

"Obviously not..."

"Anyway, give me your number."

"Being demanding now Adelaide?"

"Don't try and turn this into something else you idiot."

"Why don't you want to?"

"Still going with the theory that you're a 40 year old pervert."

"I'm wounded by your accusations."

"I'm not accusing you I'm asking for your number dipshit."

"Jeez, any way it's (I cba to write a number because I'm lazy so imagine numbers here... )"

"Thank you goat!"

*hangs up*

"Stop calling me goat it wa- And she's gone..."

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