26 - 1st

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Aaron's Point Of View-



Looking at the clock doesn't make it go faster you idiot. You just had to get there half an hour early.

Wait... how are we going to recognise each other? Will I just listen for her voice? Oh crap we didn't think this through...

Literally the only thing I know about her is her name, that she is 17 and she's an idiot. But in a good kind of way.


Stop looking at the bloody clock it's not getting any faster. Oh god what am I going to say to her when she gets here? What if she sees me then runs for the hills? I'm not that ugly I think...

Did I brush my teeth this morning? Wait yes three times... God I'm such a loser, I pass the time wondering if I have brushed my teeth or not. Yet another reason for Addy to go running for the hills.

My internal battle isn't making me feel any better about this... what if I just leave now? I'm going to make a fool out of myself anyway.


Crap! How did the time move so quickly? Go back, go back.

Looking around the square in front of the train station only a few people are milling about, well it is December so I guess most of them are shopping. No one seems to be looking for anyone or coming towards the entrance. I must look like a lemon just standing here.

One girl with her dark brown hair under a grey woolly hat enters the square. She plays with her burgundy jumper as she slowly makes her way towards where I am standing. Her head looking down so I cant really get a good look at her features but she looked around my age.

She was short and average size with black boots, white jeans and a burgundy woollen jumper. Her hair was long as it fell down over her shoulders and bounced with every step she took.

She looked up and locked eyes with me, her bright blue eyes widening in surprise as she studies my face. She comes to a halt before me and smiles shyly before parting her lips and speaking...


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