12 - 25th

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What's up butter cup?
What's the biz physicist?
... idk forget that happened.

Anyway how was your day?
I'm trying this thing out... Apparently I'm not nice enough so yeah. I'm making an effort! I will probably give up tomorrow tbh...



"Who's this?"

"It's your mum."

"Seriously a your mum joke? 2000 want's it's punchline back."

"Shut up I'm not in the mood to be judged. And actually it derived all the way back to the Babylon- doesn't matter..."

"What happened Adelaide?"

"I ruined my book."

"How exactly did you do that?"

"I took it in the shower with me..."

"... why?"

"Why can't books be waterproof it's bloody 2016!"

"Wow, such passion much enthusiasm."

"Don't you dare."

"What did I do? I did nothing?"

"You may not be able to see me but I'm glaring at you."

"Well I can't see you because you won't meet me."

"You never know we may not even live near each other? You might not even live in England!"

"I live in Bath."



"Well it looks like we may not be that far apart!"

"Wait! Seriously?"

"Why are you so happy about this?"

"Because I can see you then!"

"B-but you don't want to see me!"

"What? You're the one who doesn't want to meet?"

"Nope that's you."

"Adelaide I do."


"Why are you so scared of us meeting?"


*hangs up*

"That's not even an exc- oh..."

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