Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 26

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“Nice to see you again too Mr. Harris. Please explain to me what happened,” Mommy pleads with sorrow.

“Well during Geometry your daughter had a bit of an altercation with Ms. Tabitha and it resulted in her slamming Tabitha’s head into the chalkboard,” Mr. Harris explains incompletely.

“Well what exactly was this altercation?” Mom asks suspiciously. I can tell she’s annoyed that she had to leave work early.

“Um, well how about I let them explain it to you,” Mr. Harris suggested and I talk a big gulp.

“Well Tabitha why don’t you tell my parents exactly what you said to me,” I grinned even more and now she really looked like she was going to piss her pants. Mom and Mommy were staring her down and I loved every last second of it.

“Are you going to tell her Ms. Adams or do I have to?” Mr. Harris demanded. I could tell that he was getting irritated behind the whole situation. Tabitha just stared down and Mr. Harris took a deep breath.

“Did she say some kind of derogatory word for lesbianism or something? Because if she did, that’s extremely immature and so over used. I mean you could have come up with something more original. You seem like a bright girl you could have hated on the fact that Laura has had straight A’s in every class except for geometry. Oh and she is a valedictorian due to the fact that she has multiple AP classes that brought up her GPA even more. Not mention the fact that she helps out in the community, donates, and participated in soccer every year until she had to quite in order to stay after school to be tutored for geometry? See dear you could hate on so many things but you had to choose her parents. Compared to the millions of things Laura has going for her we are insignificant,” Mommy explained as she flaunted her intelligence proudly and gave Tabitha the biggest smile she could muster. I loved my Mommy.

“And this is why I married her,” Mom beamed then planted a kiss onto Mommy’s shinning chocolate cheeks. Tabitha was beyond embarrassed right now. I knew for a fact that she had to feel like the most ignorant person in the universe.

“I’m sorry,” Tabitha managed to cough up.

“Don’t apologize to me dear. Apologize to yourself because while you sit there and hate others are passing you and taking your opportunities. Take all that energy you are using to hate on others and put it into something that is actually useful,” Mommy concluded than turned towards Mr. Harris with the same smile.

“Well, um Mrs. Love you put that very well,” Mr. Harris praised her.

“See sweetie you don’t always have to solve everything with violence. My words hurt her even more than you slamming her poor pubescent head into that chalkboard,”  Mommy chuckled a bit.

“Tina,” Mom whispered to her as she tried to calm Mommy down. Mommy wasn’t showing any anger but I knew for a fact that inside she was filled with rage.

“No Pookie sweetie it’s fine. Her minute brain is so incompetent that it can’t even process anything beyond Ebonics,” Mommy continued until Mom whispered something into her ear and she seemed to calm down almost immediately.

“One last thing before resign from this conversation. Are Ms. Adam’s parents attending this little meeting?” Mommy inquired politely.

“I don’t think we were able to get in contact with them,” Mr. Harris answered. When I looked back over at Tabitha again that same lost expression she had before when her parents were mentioned took over her face.

“Well since she isn’t coming how about we end this meeting with the girls both getting 3 days of detention and writing an apology letter. I’m only saying this because Laura could have used her words instead of her fists in this situation, and Tabitha dear you could have just kept quiet,” Mommy suggested.

Age is But a Number (lesbian story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz