4.1 || The Emperor's Toe

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"Meenie." I pointed it at Jonah. "Minie." At Ovi. "Mo." Elane. "Catch." Irene. "The." Jonah. I moved faster and I lost track of who was who because I didn't have a good sense of the room. I hadn't even drank and I was dizzy. "Emperor by the toe. If he hollers make him say: 'I surrender to the US -" I pulled the trigger. Someone's head had a bullet in it. Or it had gone through the other side if soft enough. Blood splattered across the gun, but none of it got on me. "Fucking A." A violin played in my head when I saw the body of the family member that I had put down. The wrong string always made me cringe. I wouldn't be hearing the violin anymore.

One week later...

The Richards family sat at the diner. They ordered their favourite pastries from the lineup on display under the heat lamps. The Richards were numb to the world now. It would look like the family had forgiven Dirk, but he knew they never would. Inside was where the heart was, and their hearts would be oblivious to a soul if it passed by. Zheng ate at the counter. They were watching him out of the corners of their eyes. Dirk thinks he's closer to his family after this experience and he doesn't think he'll ever get a job. They bought a new home with whatever money they could scrape together. Irene is feeling much more confident with her new rocket designs. Elane is only known as Elane. Jonah has moved on from Lego to action figures.

Zheng thinks he got revenge on Dirk and Dirk does feel really badly about having to kill his child and burying her in their backyard without any traces or loose ends. But revenge won't stop Dirk. And it won't stop the Richards from preying on the fatherless boy. Zheng turned around to them with a jam donut in his hand. His dull eyes locked with their heartless eyes.

Those fucking eyes, Dirk thought. They still bug me out.

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