"It's okay baby. We're here now, and everything is going to be alright. " Tony called over to me in a voice that was slightly louder than normal. Unbidden, a whimper fell from my lips as a bit of blood fell into one of my eyes. I hated not being able to see properly, and it was made worse since I was in such a vulnerable position. My body twisted and turned, back and forth, trying to alleviate some of the pressure that was on my throat.

        Instead, all that happened was "buddy" behind me, decided to wrap his arm around the front of my body to hold me still. The jackass was using his strength against me, but I just bided my time. My mates had come to save me.  Even though I didn't consider myself a "damsel in distress" per say, I knew that  I would have to wait to be able to help them. Even if it was for only a little bit. It would all be worth it when the time was right.

        "You're a little late for reassurances here Stark." The leader quipped, as he stood partially in front of me. He kept tapping his fingers in a rhythmic pattern on his leg, and it was extremely distracting. I don't know if that's what he was going for, as he attempted to completely block my body from the view of my men. In the long run it didn't matter though, because I knew that they could see me. Especially since they kept glancing over at me and making eye contact. Sorry bad dude, you'll have to do better than that.

        "I'm sorry. Should I know you?" Tony questioned the leader. You could tell that he obviously wasn't expecting an answer.

        It went unnoticed by everyone else, but I noticed that as the leader was distracted by Tony's question and temperment, Tony took that opportunity to slowly move closer to me. After a step or two, he stopped so that his movements wouldn't be too noticeable. "The chess pieces were finally moving." Well that was a weird thought. Maybe I had hit my head harder than I thought earlier.

        "Yes. You should. I AM your worst nightmare." He enunciated loudly and clearly. He obviously believed it as well.

        "I'm sorry did you really just use that overused, extremely tired, needs to be retired, line?" Tony turned to glance at the dubbed "three musketeers." As if he couldn't believe what his brain was telling him.

        "Did he really just use that line?" He repeated, and as I tried to hold my giggles in, I noticed the three musketeers trying not to laugh as well. I had to give it to Tony. He was an excellent distraction, even when he wasn't trying to be. The whole time that Tony had been talking, Clint had been slowly moving away from Steve towards the three musketeers.

        Steve, was standing as still as a statue so as not to draw attention to himself. Like a sentinel, he hadn't moved from his position in front of the door either.

        As for Tony. Well, Tony was being himself. Which served as being a great attention grabber. 

        The hand around my neck hadn't loosened any, but I had stopped moving around as soon as Tony started to talk. I assumed that the reason the arm wrapped around me had loosened  slightly, was because I had stopped struggling as much. The rewarded, "wiggle room" was wonderful, and I was just waiting for my chance to escape. I know they had a plan, I just knew it.

        "You don't think that I'm your worst nightmare? That I'm not the thing that hides in the shadows. Watching. Waiting. Listening. Always ready. Prepared for that single moment when the right opportunity presents itself. That I won't burst in and ruin all of your hopes. Your dreams. I am reality. I AM your reality. And soon, I will be your death." Ok the leader must have majored in drama, and was officially crazy. I was staring at him like he had grown a second head. His moods swings were so bad! They just seemed to swing back and forth like a damn pendulum. What the ever loving fuck was wrong with this guy? 

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