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"NATE, NICO JUST told me last minute that he needs to buy presents for his sister's birthday." Elliot sighed. "He said we've got similiar tastes or something, and apparently just decided to just not inform me beforehand," Elliot mocked, his voice drifting away from the microphone as I assumed he turned his head and directed the sarcasm towards the said boy.

"I have bad memory!"

"I can tell." Elliot's voice turned back to the microphone. "Anyway, so I need the car for today, and-"

"Is that my little baby Nathan? Hi, Nathan!" Nico's energetic voice made the corners of my lips raise, and I could almost see the boy's short, curly black hair bounce as he laughed at Elliot's annoyed sigh.

Nico was that one boy who was always smiling, and it was a complete contrast to Elliot, who always had a poker face on. I don't know how they became friends in the first place, but he was the only person that Elliot hung out with, and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't appreciate his bubbly presence and his not very obvious, but still present, influence on him.

"How has school been for you? I hope good, Elliot is still an asshole, by the way." I chuckled at his insult and smiled as I heard Elliot groan. "We should just hang out and ditch him, what do you say, Nathan?"

Elliot cleared his throat aggressively.

"Now, if the said boy would oh so kindly stop interrupting me, as I was saying, you don't have to wait for me today-"

I held the speaker of the phone away from my ear, barely being able to make out my brother's words as loud, ear-piercing background noises came abruptly from the other end of the phone. It ranged from various yells of frustration to cheers, which I assumed was just from the start of football practice.

After making sure that the noises had paused, I put the phone back to my ear.

"-So just ask someone else to pick you up or call an uber, okay? I'll also make it back before dinner, so you don't have to order anything." I nodded before realising that he couldn't see me, and then replied with, "Okey-dokey."

"Remember, you just fainted two weeks ago, so I don't want you walking home by yourself or anything like that in case you pass out or something-"

"Smith, Quintana, you're up!" A deep voice called out from the phone, followed by a loud sigh from Elliot, and an audibly irritated groan from Nico.

"Okay, coach is calling me, gotta go, love you," He said, ensued by the sounds of beeping as the call ended.

I stared at the screen blankly for a while, not really knowing what I should do next as I held the phone in my hand. I tapped into my contacts, scrolling down and briskly scanning through the names.

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