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Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.





I sat up, rubbing my eyes and yawning. I glanced around the room, and when nothing unusual appeared in my field of vision, I collapsed back into my bed, thinking that the noise was just my imaginary sleep paralysis demon.


I jumped up from my bed, frightened by the sudden and loud noise.

That was very much real.

I blinked away the remaining, small amount of sleepiness that I had retained in my body as my eyes frantically searched around the room for the source of the sound, my pulse racing and my fingers trembling. At the while, Bruno screeched like the demon spawn he is.

I turned to the alarm clock that was by my nightstand, reading the bright red numbers and letters displayed on it.

"02:09 A.M."


Standing up from my bed, I walked towards the window. Catching a glance of the dark figure outside, my eyes immediately widened in shock as I placed both my hands on the bottom ledge, raising the piece of glass up. The cool, evening air hit my skin as I took a deep breath in before confronting the familiar figure.

Holy shit.

I leaned out of the window slightly as Ro smiled brightly and waved at me, causing my heart to skip a beat and my stomach to do flips as it was filled to the brim with butterflies, all of the drowsiness that I had been experiencing previously completely dissolving from my system.

"Bruno, help," I whispered to the white dog still sitting at the foot of my bed. He blinked his big, black eyes at me before yawning and resting his head back onto the mattress, immediately falling asleep.

So much for emotional support, I guess.

She reached out one of her hands and gestured for me to come over, to which I replied by pointing my index finger up and down, and mouthing the words, "Right now?"

Nodding her head, she continued to gesture for me to go to her, in a more drastic, exaggerated fashion.

Okay, well, lovely.

I pointed up one finger, telling her to wait for a few moments before pulling my window shut quietly, careful as to not wake up mom. Trying not to scream at the pure ridiculousness of the situation, I dug my nails into my palm.

Ignoring the warm feeling in my chest, and the increase in the speed in which my heart was beating at, I quickly threw on a green jacket, a pair of converse and sprinted downstairs as quietly as I could manage.

A Guide to Lucas Middleton ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin