Jordan stepped out the door. "This way."

The others followed, passing by the many abandoned (and a few inhabited) houses that lined the street. Eventually they were standing in front of a fairly large, but still homey, castle made of stone brick and golden blocks.

Stampy glanced at Sqaishey as they approached and Jordan knocked on the door.

There was a pause before the door opened.

"Jordan? What are you doing here?" Sky asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"I brought some guests," He answered and moved so he could see the small group he had brought with him.

Sky's eyes widened when he saw the group. "Oh um, hey guys." He waved before turning back to Jordan. "You should've told me, I would've actually gotten dressed." He gestured at his oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, though his signature amulet still hung around his neck.

"Heh, sorry about that. Wanted to surprise you." He explained.

Stampy had tensed up a little but said nothing while Sqaishey gave a small wave.

"Long time huh Sky?" Tyler chuckled, drawing Sky's attention to him and by chance, Jason.

"J-Jason?" Sky's eyes widened and he took a step forward.

"Hey Adam." Jason smiled before Sky ran up to him and pulled him into a hug.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you..."

"I know..."

Stampy tensed as he watched the two hug, something about the whole thing rubbing off on him the wrong way. Absentmindedly, his claws extended.

Sqaishey noticed and looked at him, eyes full of concern. "Stamps? What is it?"

He didn't reply and kept his focus on Sky and Jason.

Jordan smiled at the reunion, glancing briefly at Stampy and frowning a little, unsure of what was wrong.

Sky pulled away from the hug before stepping aside, leaving room for the others to come into the house, not noticing Stampy's claws. Tyler worriedly glanced over.

Jordan hesitated briefly before stepping inside the home.

Sqaishey stayed beside Stampy, still concerned about why his claws were out.

Stampy stepped forward, slightly relaxing as Sky stepped away from Jason.

He was trying to figure out what had him so on edge here and why...

Jason and Tyler followed, Sky closing the door behind them, he looked over at Stampy, finally realizing who he was. "Stampy? You're back?"

Stampy nodded slightly. He was still very tense as his mind kept telling him to fight Sky but he couldn't for the life of him figure out why.

Jordan shifted a little. "We, uh, had some questions for you. Jason and Stampy came back last night. But neither remember much about their time away." He started, keeping an eye on Stampy who looked like he was trying to refrain from attacking.

Sky tilted his head. "What does this have to do with me?" He asked.

"Well, you disappeared and came back with no memories either, right?" Jordan asked.

Sky nodded, "Yup, I'm assuming you wanna ask me some stuff about that then?" He picked up a nearby soda can and drank from it.

Jordan nodded. "If you don't mind. We think Stampy and Jason were at the same place." He explained, taking a seat.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now