Chapter 6

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P.O.V. Austin

Tasia and I were sitting in a booth at Starbucks after we had played basketball for a few hours. Something she said before however would not leave my mind. What was she trying to escape from when she played basketball?

I felt this overwhelming sense of concern and protectiveness for her. I didn't know where this emotion was coming from because I had only known her for less than a day. 

I feel like I've known her my whole life.

I had to know what has been bothering her, her whole life. I blurted out, "So what are you trying to forget when you play basketball?"

Mental face-palm. Remind me to take lessons on how to think before you speak when I get home. How could I be so inconsiderate of her feelings? She probably hat-

"My dad left my mom and me when I was 7. . ." She carried on to tell me about how her dad just left her and her mom with nothing. My heart started hurting knowing how hard of a life she's had, and it just reminding me of what happened to my dad. She looked so sad and distant when she was telling me.

I just want to lean over the table and kiss her to let her know she's okay. . .

Wait, what? Where did that come from? I barely know her. My thoughts have been all over the place and I've been feeling all these crazy emotions I didn't know existed these past 24 hours.

I ended up telling her about what happened to my dad. I could see the care and concern in her eyes.

We ended up talking for a couple more hours. When we left Starbucks, we walked back to the parking lot at the park. When we got to her truck, she suddenly turned to me and blurted out, "I don't want to go home yet."

I was so glad she said that because I wasn't ready for the day to end either. I think I may or may not be falling for Tasia. We just immediately connected.

"I know just the place to go." I smiled at her and she had a huge grin on your face after. She's just so beautiful.

I led her to my car and opened the door for her.

"WOW, this is such a nice car!" She said while feeling the leather interior and the dashboard of my red range rover. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh because she was freaking out over a car. It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

"Thanks, it's like my baby." She laughed at my comment. We started driving out of the parking lot. It was silent in the car except for the low radio, but it was a good, comfortable kind of silence.

Chandelier came on the radio. She immediately turned it up and started singing along.

"You like this song?" I smirked at her. She just nodded and kept singing. When it got to the chorus, I started harmonizing with her. She looked at me with big eyes. I felt fireworks go off in my body. It's like our voices were made to be heard together. They sounded perfect.

When the song ended, I turned the radio down again, trying to catch my breath not only from singing that vocally straining song, but trying to catch my breath because of the fireworks lit inside of me that took it away.

"Did you fe--" I asked her.

She interrupted me and said quickly, "Yeah."

We kept driving in silence until we had made it to the spot I had chosen.  It's called the Highlands. It's pretty much a cliff with big evergreen trees to the back and the deep blue ocean at the bottom of the steep slope. 

We got out of the car and she walked over to the edge, sitting down and letting her legs dangle down. I joined her, sitting close enough that our arms were barely brushing up against each other’s. 

"This is beautiful, Austin!" She exclaimed, referring to the sun setting on the ocean.

"Just like you," I said under my breathe.

"What?" She said with a smile, turning towards me.

"Nothing." I replied smiling back at her.

This night couldn't be more perfect. I just wish I could tell her how I feel, but she probably doesn't feel the same. Plus, I've only known her for one day and despite me feeling like I've known her all my life, I couldn't just ask her out. I was probably just misinterpreting my emotions.

"Thank you for listening to my story today." She said quietly while gazing out at the ocean.

"Thank you for listening to mine. I hope you know that you can tell me anything and even though we've only known each other for one day, you can trust me," I told her, not regretting one word of it.

She smiled at me and laid her head on my shoulder for a second in a friendly thank you. 

"Do you believe someone can like someone after knowing them for one day?"

Did I seriously just say that? I really need those lessons on how to think before speaking. This is bad. This is really bad. All I can do now is wait for her answer.

//A/N Yay I made a chapter that is slightly longer for once hahaha.

I hope you guys enjoy a little bit of crushing going on. 

I feel like no one’s reading this book, but that fine with me because it's so fun writing it so I don't mind lol

If anyone is reading, voting and commenting is free and you get the reward of making me smile. Just one click and a second of typing :)

This picture is a picture of the type of setting I think the Highlands is. Do you guys want me to put pictures of Austin and the foolish four? I probably will since I want to do a picture per chapter to make it more exciting.

Love you guys sooo much keep being beautiful! <3


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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