Chapter 2

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P.O.V. Tasia

"Goodnight Seattle!" I heard the brown-haired, hazel-eyed boy yell. I was in awe. I could not believe I had just seen him perform. "You all have been awesome! I love all of you!" He waved as he walked off the stage.

The sounds of Sage, Elfi, and the thousands of other girls around me started to die down as the realization that the perfect concert was almost over. My best friends and I started walking towards the exit. I heard them fangirling over what we had just experienced, "That was incredible! He's so amazing live! That was the best night of my life!

I was at a loss of words because of that concert. It was everything I had dreamed of. Once I had a little time to process it, I told them "Let's go wait at the tour bus so that we can see him up close!" They both quickly nodded their heads because they didn't want the night to end just yet. Even though it was 11pm, it was a Friday night so we didn't have to worry about waking up early for school the next day.

We were pressed against the temporary metal fence that separated us from the small parking lot that held a large bus and two other cars, staring at the door that lead from the venue to the outside where the Austin Mahone Tour Bus was located. We waited for an hour, Sage started to complain because it was getting late and she was tired. "I don't think he's coming. Maybe we should just go, his concert was amazing regardless of whether we get to see him up close."

I replied, "But we've waited this long, just wait a little longer I'm sure he'll come out!" I was so set on meeting my favorite celebrity. While I was repeating, "Just wait a little long-" I saw the door open. His body guard first came out, then I saw him.

Brown hair.

Red snapback.

Hazel eyes.

Plump pink lips.

He was still in the clothes he wore on stage, a white short-sleeve t-shirt, a gold chain, dark denim jeans, and white Jordans. 

He looked up as he walked out of the door and we made eye contact. I felt this- this almost electric feeling hit me as he stopped walking towards his bus and just stared at me. This odd sense of familiarity rushed over me. I think it was just because I had been a fan of him for so long, but the electric spark was different. I had never experienced anything like it before.

Noise of other Mahomies screaming around me started to fade into the background as I was infatuated by his gaze. He changed his course and started walking towards me, my mouth slightly open, and never breaking eye contact.

P.O.V. Austin

I walked off the stage holding my red microphone and smiling. Another great show. The Crew came up to me and started congratulating me on the successful show. Alex fist-bumped me and said "Hey man that was great. Good job."

Robert gave me a nod of approval as we man-hugged. Zach and I did our handshake as he said "Yeah bro, that was one of the best yet."

Sarah hugged me then put her arm around Alex's waist as Alex put his arm around her shoulder, "Austin that was incredible! Great job.

I replied smiling "Thanks guys. Want to go to my dressing room? I have pizza there!" Robert, Zach, and I raced each other there as Alex and Sarah walked while talking to each other. 

We ended up hanging out there, eating pizza, drinking soda, talking and laughing for about an hour after the show had ended. I yawned. "Well I'm going to head out, I'm beat from this concert." My body guard and I started walking towards the door that exited the venue.

As I walked out the door, I heard some screams coming from the Mahomies that had waited for me to come outside. I was surprised they had waited for me, seeing as it was like midnight. I looked up in their direction. I made eye contact with one of them. A shiver ran through my body, but it wasn't from the cold of autumn. The spark remained as I stared into her eyes. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her curled brown hair, brown eyes, and everything about her was perfect. 

I started walking towards her, feeling an almost magnetic force pushing me towards her like I was meant to talk to her.

"Hi," I said to her once I had reached her place on the medium-sized metal fence.

"Hi," I heard her angelic voice, and then I knew. I knew I wanted to know who this incredible girl was.

//A/N I can't believe I actually wrote this because I was up at 4 to watch a basketball game hahaha I am so tired. But here you go! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I know it may seem too soon for them to meet but I hate when stories drag out so I thought I'd get right to the point. 

I will probably be uploading daily since I'm on summer vacation (I moved to South Africa for 6 months so it's summer here, I'm from Seattle though) so I have a lot of time to write.

Also, every chapter I will be including a picture of each of the cast members, explaining how I envision them in this story. The picture included here is Tasia, the main character, played by Sarah Hyland.

I know Sarah Hyland is 20 something, and Tasia is 16, but she is the characer I thought would work well.

If you have any comments or suggestions, do not be afraid to tell me!

Love you guys <3//

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