An Explanation

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Y/n Pov:

Kirishima, Mina,  and I were now sitting down in front of all these important people.  But one of them didn't look familiar it was a... Mouse!?  "good morning students I've brought you here for I have noticed that you two are very close to y/n and we would like to explain why she will be leaving our school... " I felt my heart sank but I put a fake smile on anyway.  I could notice Kiri in the corner of my eye he had the saddest aura I've ever seen I honestly didn't think he would take it that bad...  "Y/n Shinji Takeyama... When you are old enough you will come to my school where you will help students your age. I will be looking forward to seeing you good-day." with that, the mouse walked off. I guess I zoned out for the whole explanation except for that last part. 

 "So y/n Shinji Takeyama will you except." what the heck?  You turned to be met with a man who had military clothing and a huge metal... "Um... Sir who may you be if you don't mind me asking.. " he smiled he looked friendly not like the ones you saw on TV were they scream and shout at innocent people. You hated that that's why you dreaded meeting an actual military guy but...  He seemed nice and polite.  "I am General John Ramada action A of the GHP." What the heck is a GHP?  "before you ask GHP is the government hero program we like to shorten our words in America. Sorry" he said with a smirk "you're from America!?" Mina said with a huge "wow" face.  "Yes, I am miss I got deployed here last year to help train your police so they can be in better shape and I decided to stay here and then I got a phone call... " 

He looked in your direction " about the GHP plan... So y/n will you be the gateway to our future. " He saluted. Omg, I'm "the" future what does that mean... "she will except! " I turned to see Mina smiling with tears falling down her face... " Mina... What are you saying I can't poss-" she ran towards my direction and gave me a huge hug as we dropped down to our knees.  "y/n-chan this Is a one in a moment lifetime,  your strong. God your the most caring and selfless person I've ever meet! You've saved people and helped them with there issues. You need to go into this program if not for me or you or Kiri then for the world. You are going into U. A y/n. I and Kiri will go two! Like our dreams to be heroes... You might be learning how to become a hero but just remember... You were always a hero.. " your eyes started to water and so did Kiri even all might and the principal. You didn't realize it but Kiri slowly was ingulfed into the hug as well. "OK mina" you looked at the General... "I except"

You all walked out after being told the arrangements and what will be happening. It was near lunchtime and you all walked to the cafeteria. "Y/n wait.. " you heard you're soon to be former principle. "I have permitted the three of you to have your 11th-grade privs so you may hang out with each other all day and no classwork." "but miss we're in middle sch-" "shhh" she gave you a wink "I've seen you're Guy's friendship and that speech that you made Ashido, was beautiful... So I've grated you students access to anything you want to do today to spend time with your friends. I've known what it feels like to leave your dearest friends so I'm giving you an opportunity that I never had. " she said warm and kind "thank you so much" all three of us said in unison.

Time skip- in  the afternoon (Before you leave)

3rd person: 

"Tayi I'm home! And I brought my friends." "Ok dear your stuff is all packed and Mr.-" "Hello, Y/n are you ready.." "Um yes, sir just... may I say good-bye to my friends?" Y/n looked up at Aizawa and tilted her head. An action that melted his heart even though he wouldn't say it out loud. "sure, kid." Kirishima and Mina were both standing behind you. You ran right up to them with tears swelling in your eyes as they were toppled over. "I am going to miss you guys so much!" "We are too!"

"Are all her bags and things packed?" Tayi looked at him and smiled "yes they are." "And will you be joining us?" "um.. yes sir that was my intention. But I do not wish to just lazy around and help my little girl, but I would love to make food and clean for both of you." "That would be most appreciated y/n will need some support other than hero's. You can stay as long as you want. " Tayi looked up at Aizawa with I slight sparkle which  Aizawa answered with a slight smirk. "I'm ready.." Aizawa looked in the direction of the little girl and started heading for the door. Everyone followed behind with Tayi and Aizawa already in the car. "Y/n... I should tell you something.." Kiri said low and depressed. "yeah of course..." you two walked to the edge of the stairs where no one else could hear. "Shinji I just wanted you to know that..that you inspire me every day to try and become a better person, a better hero. I l..l... *sigh* I will miss you." "awww sharky I'm going to miss you to.." 

Guys I'm so sorry for not updating sooner its school phone got taken away for a while but I'm using the school's laptops so ill be updating way sooner really sorry!!! stay woke!


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