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You're pov:

"Were here, grab your bags and help Ms.Tayi then ill show you where you will be staying." "Yes sir.." you picked up your clothing bags and heading in the very large looking house with white pillars and clear windows. You walked to were Aizawa was standing. You stared up at him "Thank you for letting us stay here.." He looked at you with a weird glance. "yea sure kid, your room is upstairs on the left. And your room ma'am is down the hall first room on the right." You and Tayi said thank you and went your separate ways and unloaded all of your bags. You put your suitcase on your new bed and started to unload it. you pulled out a picture of you and Kiri you put it in a red heart picture frame. You had a little crush on Kiri put even you one of the courageous people anyone has met, were scared to get rejected... You didn't realize it but Mr.Aizawa was standing behind you contemplating if he should talk or not... "just come in no need to be sneaky..." 

He was pretty shocked for he considered himself very stealthy. "I just wanted to let you know that All Might will be taking us to a little arena where we will be able to know what we're dealing with. Tayi said shes making your favorite for dinner hope its good and not just some kid dinner..." " what do you mean with that!?" "well, when some kid says they want their favorite meal for dinner I image cereal or ice cream." You lightly chuckled and nodded your head. "Dang-it I like ice cream." You laughed more heartedly. He gave you a nice smile it was the first time you saw him smile like that.

"Come downstairs you guys foods ready.."

Time-skip to the next day brought to you by Jesus himself cause he approves of your choices in life :)) (and when it's your pov instead of saying you ill just say I kk."

You're pov:

I was in the limo with Aizawa and meme(tayi) and we were heading to the known training area and to be honest, I was a little nervous... "hey you alright kid?" Aizawa raises his eyebrow slightly while he looked at you. I didn't wanna lie maybe he'll see that I trust him and he will be my friend sort of. "um no I'm not I'm a little nervous, who will be there again?" he sighed a little " All might Endeavor, midnight, General Ramada, Aizawa, are all going to help you try and see what your capabilities are." One of Ramanda's troops said. Then... you started (you started with your fire, Endeavor to help with it then all might helped me with my speed.) "Alright y/n lets work on your form first if your off-balanced during an attack the enemy will catch it and throw you off guard, making you fail." Aizawa said while he made you stand up and put your hands behind your back to create some sort of respect factor. Ramada came from behind Aizawa and looked at me. 

"Ok y/n either in a fighting pose or not balance is your friend. Let lose but still be very engaged in what you're doing. I'll suggest some dance lessons to maybe work on your footing." "You did almost trip during your fight two days before..." Aizawa said giving a blank stare. "that is true, the footing has a crucial part in control as well as your quirk." All might said in his booming voice. "I'll talk with someone to get you in some dance classes," Ramada said giving you a thumbs up! " K lets move on..." Aizawa led me into the middle of the arena with Endeavor. "I'll leave you two to it." With that, he returned to the other pro-heroes. "Alright kid, show me a nice little blast." I nodded, and made my pupils turn red he was kind of amazed by this factor but didn't want to show it, but somehow I knew. I let a small blast radiate through my hands and sent it through the air. "That was fine... now try to let it flow and move with it." "um OK." 

Once again I let my pupils turn instead of turning them all red so I don't lose control and since he wasn't asking for my full power. I let it go with-out another due moment and slightly moved with the flames. I was kind of sweating like a lot and I was getting tired, but Endeavor was still pushing me harder and harder... My knees gave out making me kneel on the floor but he kept saying to let the flames out and move with them. (Does he not see me practically dying if I give to much I might hurt myself.) I still don't know my limitations when it comes to my fire quirk, I do in my speed, however. Yeah, a lot of running around for people and being untimely coordinated wears you down a lot...

All the others were staring and I didn't want them to see me as weak. So... I raised on my knees and stood up Endeavor was taken back by my willingness to go on, but he did something unexpected. He used his flames against me so there was some kind of challenge. He started shooting his flames at me aiming at my upper torso which could cause major injuries if he and I wasn't careful. All the pro's and military officials were very impressed with how much I could handle... but everyone has there limits. I couldn't hold much longer and I knew Endeavor knew this but proceeded to push his flames towards me. Aizawa saw me struggling and attempted to yield Endeavor off, but he didn't budge. He was yelling at me now that I was weak, it made me more filled with rage. "Endeavor that's quite enough..." Ramada said trying to encourage him to yield. "No! Leave it! She needs this! Endeavor shouted back I growled, it hurts and he's making it worse he caught my growl and I received a dirty look from it. I finally was fed up and had enough. "THAT'S IT!" I shouted, my eyes that I was unaware of were turning red and orange. 

He laughed at me harshly and said: "how could someone so weak be able to get into a program like this?!" I exploded with rage and let it all lose but, it wasn't fire it came out raptly and repeatedly not all at once like my fire!? "Explosions..." Aizawa said with interest and looked upon all might who was smiling to himself on how accomplished you will be. "One of her discovered quirks isn't it..." All might said sarcastically (fire, speed) then found her third one (Explosions) did you know her quirk all along? And if so then whats her last quirk? All might peared at y/n and searched for Endeavor he was at the end of the arena and slowly getting up. "No I didn't but I knew about it." he said sarcastically as implying to, "I told you so" kind of tone. "well duh, she had original quirks of two now its three." One of the generals that were leading this program came over to both Aizawa and all might. He stopped next to all might and starred at you. " it's strong... it will make a great hero. but it could be dangerous especially if it fell into the wrong ha-" "Excuse me General but I must have something wrong with my hearing and eyesight because last time I checked y/n was a human being including that she will not be called it or described as an object... so for now on if any information about y/n it will be told by Officer Ramanda and will be reported back to me or all might ourselves thank you, General, have a good life..." Aizawa said sternly making the General scowl and move back with his group.

OMFG I AM SSSOOOOOO sorry for not updating hear now I will update every day unless it is a long chapter again I'm so sorry I've been on online classes now cause of this coronavirus and my parents are in the middle of moving to our own paid house so stay tuned love yall

                                                                              - Lily

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