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"I have a mission for you..."

"What is it now?"

"Please Ms.Justice forwardness will get you nowhere with him."

"I don't really care Kurogiri let me just talk with him."

"I really don't believe..."

"I'm going in anyway."

"Justice Wait!"

"You have interrupted me for what?"

"Talk to me face to face...If you have a mission for me then tell me straight up!"

"You should"

"I won't until you tell me what's the mission! Ugh, sometimes your such a petty brat..."

Your POV:

"Let's go, I will do the talking..." I glanced around the room to see almost everyone from the USJ attack there. Then I and a boy's eyes met...


"Borno!?" My body became shaky and my lungs became squeezed. I could see him pretty upset to see me here and he mouthed the words, "I'm sorry..." and then looked away towards the floor.

I and justice kept walking towards the middle of the floor. Instead of looking at us, everyone turned to kneel down towards a turned-around chair. "Let Me GO!" I shouted towards the chair...

Whoever is on there is responsible for everything...

"Silent..." The voice echoed giving most of the room shivers, whoever this person was they brought fear or respect from each and every one of them. They slowly turned the enormous chair to face us and my heart stopped.

H-His face...

How is that possible his face is facing me but...he doesn't have eyes!?

"A reunion..." His words spit out violently but with a hint of excitement. It's like he wants to be happy but has never been before. "Well...It's been quite a long decade and a half since I've seen you...tell me." His voice stopped and I would say he was looking me up and down observing me but I couldn't tell by his face?

"Have you missed your father?"

Things stopped...

Normal life was far out of reach now...

Everything I didn't want to be true has become even worse...

"I-I w-who-" "Please excuse my absence even though it wasn't my choice." He gritted his teeth hard as those words escaped his mouth and I shook more aggressively. Justice had looked towards me and held me in some sort of side hug but you could tell she wasn't great at physical touch.

"Just tell me why I'm here..." He tilted his head taking in my words very thoughtfully. "Well my dear I only believe it would be evidential that I would like you to join us... besides you and I are the same..."

His words made me cringe...

Like him?


"I am nothing like you, your a criminal a delinquent! Your used to getting everything you want because you can! While we good people who actually have morals work and fight for what we have. So no... we are nothing alike."

"Hmm..." he didn't sound mad but confused. He didn't spare anything else between us and turned back around. "You all are free to go we have matters to attend." I had rustled my ropes trying to pry them open slightly but nothing...

Anger and determination were so clear in my mind that it was hard to see what I was doing...

It happened so fast...

"Sir..." the one named Shigaraki had pointed out towards the man to believe is my father. "It's happened again..." "Really? Interesting" he turned to face me once more and our heads almost collided.

"I said let me go..." My teeth were staying strong surprisingly since I had put so much pressure into them as I gritted my teeth. He looked bewildered and smirked towards me.

"Well well, now you've unlocked your true potential... but..." he came closer gritting his own teeth and becoming very inpatient almost. "You have grown to be more powerful and cocky then I had originated... I guess I'll just have to take your other three..."

"What are you-" his hand reached for my head as I was asking my question. "It's a shame honestly... I have you these three put you were born with your darkness... what kind of father would I be to leave my little girl defenseless."



Everything burned and then some...

I felt like my soul itself had been crushing inside me...

He was doing this to me...

I couldn't move...

I couldn't speak...

Life itself was draining out of me...

Was he taking my soul?

Or was he creating a monster in disguise...

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