A new hero

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3rd pov:

"So you're telling me that I can become a hero, through this government program?" you were sitting down talking to the two heroes in front of you while your mom just listened. "Exactly." "ok, when can I start? All might,Eraserhe-" "just call me  Aizawa.." you pause "alright... I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity I will not let you both down." You smiled once more with your beaming features. "good-bye young one I will look forward to seeing you out there!" All might said while heading for the door. Aizawa looked in his direction and gave him a look that you could not figure out. "ugh... fine ill tell her then..." he said in a closed mumble.

 "y/n you will have to exit school early you have less than a week to say your good-byes to your classmates and you will come to join me, where you will train and become stronger...so you'll have to live with me, under my rules, and under my supervision. Got that?" You became heartbroken... what will happen to Mina when you leave...she will have your head but will surely scold you if you didn't go... Kiri...KIRI! Oh my god, what will happen to E... I hope he'll get over it. he doesn't care about me that bad. Right?  

"Mom?" you lightly whispered, "yeah kiddo?" "can you call the teachers and give them a heads up notice that I will be leaving in a week?" silence... "Yeah about that..." she hesitated the next few words she was about to say. "Tomorrow is your last day... Before you freak! I told All might that it would benefit you more if you left Friday (so it's Wednesday today) you'll be leaving Thursday afternoon. I guess he forgot to tell aizawa.." "But mom... I trust your judgment... I'll go." 

"Yay!  Well, I'm going on a night out maybe finding some good looking people while I'm at it.! Bye! " she loudly screeched. She did this very often this was the first time she was home all week.  You sighed, you put on the widest smile you could master and went to the kitchen. Tayi your maid was already preparing supper. "out again...isn't she... ?" Tayi already knew the answer though. You sigh out a happier sigh and speak "well you know mother and her party's. Late nights, stuff like that." 

"I'm very proud of you y/n-chan. No one has ever been asked to join hero training at such a young age. And your dismissal will be Thursday afternoon I will pack everything you just have to help carry it. " You smiled at the older women as she set your favorite meal down in front of you. She was more of a mother then your actual mother was.  You admired her with all your heart, always keeping a warm smile to greet you with every morning. That's why you were always happy and excited because you were always treated kindly, so you felt that you were somehow repaying that kindliness by making others happy. And would call her memé when mother wasn't around. 

"memé... I want you to come with me... " she stopped stirring her mango tea and looked at you with question. "y/n dear I can't just leave here as much as I would love to come... I have a job and roof over my head here." " But I'm sure mother would be fine and I'm willing to bet that Mr. Aizawa would welcome you with open arms... " you took a moment away from your food and switched your gaze to her own.  "please Tayi I need you there with me. I would be nowhere near the person I am today without your help. So...please. " You took a moment to ponder whether she was considering coming with you. Then you heard crying,  you looked her in the eyes and only saw tears of joy and love... You both hugged each other very tight until you two were almost out-of-breath. "you have a big day tomorrow for it will be the first step to your new life. Now go to bed and I will take it with your mother. Good night y/n-chan"

"Good night memé."

Kirishima pov:

"Just ask her dude, there isn't any harm done to it." "Yea! I've known y/n for quite a while and she's good man."

*what are they talking about she's always good, more than good... if only I could tell her that...*

It was about 12:40 and that's when I would meet up with y/n where we would eat lunch and go out for recess. She was running a little late, probably still getting recognition for what she did yesterday. I wouldn't say I was jealous I was beyond that I was proud so... manly! She reminded me of my favorite hero! As I was thinking of y/n I could hear... whistles? I turned around to find y/n in the most adorable dress I have ever seen!

 whistles? I turned around to find y/n in the most adorable dress I have ever seen!

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(the one on the left or pick whichever one I'm going with the dress.)

"kiri...are you alright! your face is red!" Y/n smiled warmly, with the dress and everything it just made her more perfect. "o..oh y..yea I'm o..ok," y/n giggled "really? cause your stuttering...a lot. anyway Kiri... I have to talk to you. it's ur-"  "SHE HAS TO LEAVE!!" y/n turned to see mina standing there with tears in her eyes. " w..what do you mean.... leave?" I looked up to her with my tears slowly falling. "E, the teacher...um / hero will explain.." *Hero? what is she talking about?* "Y/N, Ashido and Kirishima, please come with me to the principles office." "Don't worry guys were not in trouble there just gonna explain everything I promise... let's go." "Bye man." I hear my friends say to me I give a slight wave back and follow our teacher to the office. when she opens the door I could see All Might and Eraserhead! "please sit down and we will get started."


A/N: HIII GUYS HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CHAPTER! so I don't really know what kinda audience I have but if your a noob to this series Kirishima has black hair in elementary school so don't get confused he changes it when entering U.A. and he has a hardening quirk if you noobs didn't know.
                                                         Bye, fam stay woke!

                                                                             -- Lily

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