Chapter Nine

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The Gryffyns took to training in the same room as O'Neill's fiann and Eamon watched her persevere on her injured leg. Whoever trained with her took it easy on her to begin with, putting her through her paces and letting her build up her strength. He kept his tone light and playful with her, but in all other respects, he left her alone. He felt strange enough around her without her looking at him in that disconcerting way she had.

Over the course of time, her fighting almost returned to normal, though she still limped a bit when she walked. He trained with her as often as she asked, and he gave her a wide birth when she was in one of her moods. He did not know what caused it, only that no one but Dunne could bring her out of it, and Eamon was quite happy not to have to deal with her volatile emotions.

Early one morning, they found themselves in the training room alone. Eamon had been training alone, going through stances when he felt her gaze on his back. He had no idea how he knew it was her, but he turned with a smile.

"You're up early," she said as she limped into the room. "Or haven't you been to bed?"

"Is your leg still bothering you?" he asked.

She looked down, as though surprised it was there. "Oh, it comes and goes," she said. "You up for some training? Or, you want some personal time?"

He smiled. "No. Please join me."

She stretched a little and joined him on the mat.

"Do you want to practice weapons or hand-to-hand?"

She sighed, shaking her head as she thought. "Oh, weapons why not. I haven't tried that practice anyway." She groaned as she twirled her blade. He cocked his head at her in question, amused by the flickers of thought and emotion that crossed her face. "It's just so annoying that no one lets me fight when we're on watch. They all get in my way and I don't get to do anything"

"They care about you and do not want you to get hurt," he replied, thinking her fiann had the right idea.

"Bah! I know... I just feel so useless," she said, a sad smile on her face.

"You are not useless and you know it," he told her, holding up his sword. She held up hers and nodded to indicate she was ready.

He swung and she stepped forward to block it. However, her leg buckled under her, and she stumbled.

She laughed sourly. "I am. See?"

He fervently wished there was something he could do for her. All he knew to do was to help her train and try to put a smile back on her face. Although, Dunne was so much better at it that he was. He would have to try to take a leaf out of Dunne's book.

He sighed exaggeratedly, "O'Callaghan, you are only useless because you let yourself be."

She looked hurt for a moment and he thought he had said the wrong thing. However, then she smiled and steadied herself again. "All right, then, Mr. Smarty-pants, show me how not useless I can be."

They went through the paces slowly, talking the whole way through.

"Ah. That I would, but I fear you are immune to my advances."

She laughed aloud and smacked him with the flat of her blade. "Eamon, behave yourself. I enjoy training with you and don't want to have to stop just because you're a tease."

"Me? A tease?" he said, incredulous.

He saw her tense for a moment, then let out a sigh as she smiled. "Don't ruin it, Eamon. I'm actually starting to enjoy your company."

He did not bother to hide the genuine pleasure her statement gave him. "Well, that is something for the record books. Niamh O'Callaghan, enjoying my company."

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