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Lee Jeno,

Hey Blue Boy, meet me by the park near school. The one with the purple slide. After school. I plan to reveal myself. I fully understand that I am not who you want but I will show myself nonetheless. I will also understand if you don't show up or won't want to talk to me anymore. But I should tell you now before I feel even worse.

I'm really sorry about the kiss.

Signed, N.J.

It's been two days since Jaemin kissed Jeno, and the younger has been avoiding him ever since. He won't talk to Jeno. He won't sit with him and their friends. It's like he doesn't even know them. He only talks to Donghyuk, and that's only during dance. To say Jeno was hurt is an understatement, he was hurt, confused, worried etc.

Opening his locker, Jeno let a pained smile appear on his face. There was another letter. He opens it and reads it. And then reads it again. And again. And again. There was no way, no way that Jaemin was sending him the letters. But it all fit. The fucking apology at the end just proved it. Jeno, for the first time in two days, smiles a real, genuine smile.

Jaemin likes him. No- Jaemin loves him. Jeno felt so happy at that moment that he almost forgot about class. The bell rings and he runs down the hall.


Jaemin sits under the maple tree behind the school. It's where he had been eating lunch for the past few days. So far no one has interrupted.


He spoke too soon.

Jaemin opens an eye and watches as Donghyuk walks over to him. "I finally found you. Jesus you know how to hide." He says, sitting next to Jaemin. The boy only hums in response. "What are you gonna do now?"

Jaemin closes his eyes and leans his head back against the trunk. "What do you mean?"

"I mean...what are you gonna do about Jeno."

"Burn in a pit of my embarrassment." He sighs, laughing sadly.

"Yeah yeah, but after that."

"There will be no after. He won't want to talk to me. I ruined it."

"Jaemin..." Donghyuk puts his hand on Jaemin's shoulder, worry lacing his eyes.

"It's ok though. I wrote him a letter...told him to meet me at the park after school."

"Did you sign it?"

"I wrote my initials instead of Red Boy..if that's what you meant."

"Well it's something." Silence takes over the two boys and before they knew it, the bell had rung and they were heading to their final classes of the day.

Standing in front of the History room door, Donghyuk takes his friend into a hug. "You can do this, ok? It will be alright. Trust me." Jaemin nods into his friend's chest. He pulls away, smiles, and enters his classroom.


Jaemin sits on the swings at the park. The sky was darkening, and the clouds were drifting away as if they couldn't bear to watch what was about to happen between the two boys.

Kicking his sneakers through the mulch as he swings back and forth, Jaemin prepares himself. What would he say? How would Jeno react? He sighs, drawing his sweatshirt sleeves down over his knuckles to create sweater sleeves. A sounds of footsteps breaks his focus from his shoes to a boy who just entered the park gate. Blonde hair. Black cargo pants. White T-shirt. It was Jeno. He had come.

Jaemin looks back down at his shoes as the boy draws closer.

"Jaemin?" The footsteps stopped and the pink haired boy knew that Jeno was now in front of him.

"Hey..." Jaemin pauses, taking a deep breath. He looks up to Jeno. "Hey blue boy." He blinks away the tears that threatened to fall. He was scared. So so scared. He immediately looks back down at his lap.

"I had a feeling after the letter this morning...but is it really you?" Jeno's voice softens. Jaemin just nods. "I had no clue..."

"I gave you some pretty obvious hints Jeno."


"Think about it...Red boy? All I wear is red. N.J., Na Jaemin. God you were so close with that one. I even told who I wasn't. And then Red fades-"

"To pink...god I'm an idiot." Jeno face palms. Jaemin only shrugs.

"I don't know. I mean, I made the mistake of kissing you."

"Did you think it was?" Jeno suddenly asks. Jaemin looks up, eyes wide but brows furrowed in confusion.

"Did I think what?"

"Did you think that kissing me was a mistake?" Jeno stares into his eyes. The gaze was determined and serious, but soft and forgiving.

"I...No, it wasn't a mistake...but I'm still sorry because it probably just ruined our friendship. That, plus me being your secret admirer." The younger breaks their eye contact and looks to the side, eyeing his backpack sadly. "I'm sorry, again. I know that you're disappointed that it's me and not your crush but I figured I would tell you now before I feel any more pain. It hurts knowing that this probably just ruined everything, but know that I am so happy and thankful for the times we had together. Even if we were only friends. And-"

"Shut up."


"I said shut up Na Jaemin. There's no need to be sorry. I'm relieved, actually."


Jeno tilts his head to the side and smiles. "Yeah." He chuckles lightly and squats in front of Jaemin. "Yeah, I'm relieved. I'm relieved that it's you who gave me the letters. Relieved that I don't have to reject anyone. Relieved that I don't have to act like you're just a friend."

"You w-were acting? I-it was f-fake?" Jaemin's tears fall harder. Jeno mentally curses himself.

"T-that's not what I meant. That was the wrong way to phrase it, I'm sorry. I meant that....oh fuck it. I love you too Jaemin. So yes, I am very relieved. And also very happy to know that my crush likes me back." He smiles and wipes away Jaemin's tears with his thumb.

"I-it's ok Jeno...you don't have to say it to make me feel better..." Jaemin smiles weakly and leans against the chain of the swing.

Jeno sighs sadly at the sight and brings the crying boy into a hug. "I love you Jaemin. I really really do. I have for about a year. I'm not doing this to make you feel better Nana, I'm doing it because what do I have to lose? You like me, I know you do. So why hold back my feelings any longer? I love you Na Jaemin. Please believe me." Jeno strokes the boy's head. Jaemin's soft cries slowly fade away and he pulls back, looking Jeno in the eye.

"You mean it right? You really do like me?" Jaemin asks, his eyes full of hope; his eyes sparkling from the tears.

"Yes, yes I do mean it. I wouldn't lie to you princess. I promise." He interlocks his hands with Jaemin's, their fingers folding together perfectly. "Please stop crying...it hurts me to know that I caused you all that pain."

"It's ok...it was worth it in the end. I confessed and you actually like me back." Jaemin flashes his warm smile. Now his eyes were no longer filled with sadness, but with joy instead.

Jeno stands, bringing Jaemin up with him. "Come on now, let's get you home. The forecast said it was gonna rain, and I think we've shed enough tears already." He kisses the younger's forehead and the two boys hurry to Jaemin's house before the rain starts.


~*Oop, here's the happy ending. I'll have one more chapter..maybe two..idk. Like little epilogues i guess. Thank you for reading, I know this book hasn't gotten a lot of recognition but I don't really mind. I wrote this as more of a 'put my ideas down' rather than a full on story, you know? But i'm still happy that you all read it. It means a lot to me. Thank you again*~

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