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Lee Jeno,

Hey Blue Boy, I heard that you like someone saddens me to hear that but I'm not surprised. I figured you already liked someone, and I'm sure whoever they are, they must be very lucky to have you crushing on them. I write this with tears in my eyes but a smile on my face.

I wish the best for you and your crush~ love them like I love you~

Signed, ºRed Boyº

"Now I feel like shit." Jeno gently hits his head into the locker- repeating it several times and muttering "dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass" over and over again.

"Who's a dumbass?"

"Me." Jeno mumbles from his locker door.

"You or the locker?"

Jeno groans and turns, coming face to face with Renjun. "Me. I'm the dumbass." He points to himself.

"Oh. Ok." The older boy shrugs and begins walking to class.

"What do you mean 'oh ok'!?" Jeno shuts his locker and runs after his friend.

"I mean we already knew you were a dumbass, and now you have realized it too." Renjun laughs and sits at his desk.

Jeno takes a seat next to him. "That's not what I meant. Here, just read the letter." Jeno sighs and hands the blue envelope to his friend, who takes it gently.

Renjun's eyes widen and he turns to Jeno. The younger just nods his head, already knowing what Renjun was going to say. "Damn."

"That's one way to put it, yeah." The boy sighs and looks to the front, seeing as their teacher just walked in.


"Hey, what's up with Jaemin?" Mark whispers to his boyfriend. They were having an after school club practice, and Jaemin was not himself. Normally he was engaged, smiley, and just overall very energetic. But instead, he wasn't talking, and he kept zoning out. He wasn't smiling at all, which was not normal for his happy-go-lucky self. He wouldn't look anyone in the eye. He was there physically, but his mind was somewhere else.

"I don't know...should I talk to him?" Donhyuk whispers back, placing his water bottle down on the table. Mark shrugs.

Donghyuk walks over to the quiet boy, worry evident in his eyes. "Hey...Jaemin...can we uhm, can we talk outside for a second?" The pink haired boy looks up to his friend, sadness lacing his eyes. He nods and stands up, following the older out of the practice room.

"Jaemin...what's wrong?" Donghyuk gently puts his hand on Jaemin's arm in a comforting way.

The boy looks down, already feeling the tears falling. "I-" He begins to shake and soon enough, he was wrapped in Donghyuk's arms, crying his eyes out.

"Hey hey...calm down ok...Just tell me what's wrong..."

"W-we all know t-that Jeno likes s-someone else who isn't w-writing him the l-letters..."


Jaemin pulls away. "W-which means h-he'll reject m-me. He doesn't like m-me." The younger only cries harder after saying it out loud.

"What do you mean- oh...oh my god Jaemin I'm so sorry."

"I don't even know why I'm crying, I was expecting this...but it still hurts hyung. It really really hurts." Jaemin laughs weakly and begins to wipe his tears with his sleeve. "You won't tell him r-right?"

"Of course not! Your secret is safe with me. Let's get you washed up and then go back to practice. And hey, if you ever need someone, I'm here." Donghyuk smiles and Jaemin smiles back, relieved he finally told someone what he was feeling.


Jeno continues to steal glances at the pink haired boy at the front of his classroom. He sighs, resting his head on his palms.

"Stop staring at him you dumbo. He can probably feel your laser gaze." Renjun nudges his love-drunk friend.

"But he's so cute when he's studying Injunnie..."

"Oh my god you're hopeless."


~*Here's the second update. Hope you enjoyed this. Thank you for reading, and I know it's going a little fast. I wasn't expecting it to be a long story so..yeah*~

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