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Lee Jeno,

Hey Blue Boy, I hope the weekend treated you well. I had a nice time, I relaxed and went to my favorite cafe, it's called Moon Cakes. A good family friend of mine is the owner.
I know Mondays normally suck, but I hope you have an amazing day. It's always good to start the week off strong! Get some rest once you get home, ok? I don't want you getting sick.

Cherish each day as much as I cherish you~!

Signed, ºRed Boyº

"This boy is too fricking sweet, how does someone like this even exist?" Jeno smiles wide as he reads the note over and over again. Mondays did suck, but knowing that this letter would be here in his locker made it all worthwhile for Jeno. Closing his locker, the boy quickly heads to the dance room where he had morning practice.

What really made Jeno happy, was that he and Jaemin had almost the exact same schedule; plus they were both in the dance club. There were 7 members total, 5 seniors and 2 juniors. The seniors were Lee Jeno, Huang Renjun, Na Jaemin, Lee Donghyuk, and Mark Lee. The juniors were Zhong Chenle and Park Jisung.

Upon entering the room, Jeno smiles to see the two youngest boys already setting up. "Early as always I see."

"Oh hey hyung. Jisung wanted to try a new dance today for another one of Mark hyung's songs." Chenle turns, smiling.

"Hmm? Which song?" Jeno puts down his bag and goes to help Jisung set up the speakers.

"It's called 'Go'."


'What up homos."

"Donghyuk please, it's too early." Mark sighs, following after his boyfriend. The tan boy only shrugs and sticks out his tongue. Jeno laughs at the sight.

The final two boys arrive and the 7 all get to practice with Jisung teaching them the new choreography.

"Sungieeeee~ We need a break~" Chenle whines as he falls onto the floor. Donghyuk soon follows his actions, along with Jaemin.

"I agree, plus classes start soon anyways." Mark says, handing everyone a water bottle. Jeno thanks him before sitting down, his back against the wall. He watches as the other club members make small talk, mainly about tests or teachers. But when Jeno says 'other club members', he really means Jaemin. The sweat making his hair stick to his forehead. The way his adams apple bobbed up and down as he drank. His breathy laugh. The panting from dancing so hard.
Yeah Jeno was definitely whipped for the boy.

"Stop staring dimwit. He'll notice." Renjun elbows his best friend in the ribs. Jeno blinks a few times before blushing and looking at his lap. Renjun only laughs and goes back to join the conversation.


"Oh, I know Moon Cakes." Mark says, tossing a cherry tomato into his mouth.

"Really?" Jeno's eyes widen at the sudden information. He had been telling the Markhyuk couple about his most recent love letter, and the cafe was clearly a top priority in Jeno's eyes.

"Mhm. Johnny knows the owner too. It's Moon Taeil."

"Moon...Taeil..." Jeno sits back in thought, the name not ringing a bell. "Where is this cafe anyways?"

"Oh no you don't Lee Jeno. I swear if you go down there just to see if you can find your secret admirer, then I will smack you back to your birth place." Renjun wags his finger at the black haired boy disapprovingly.

"You'll smack me back to my mom? Aww thanks Injunnie." Jeno fakes a sweet smile and his friend only rolls his eyes. Jeno turns back to Mark. "Ok but seriously, where is it?"

"Not that far from school. Just a couple blocks in the direction of downtown. I can't say you'll have much luck finding that anonymous person though- Moon Cakes is pretty popular with the students here."

"Damn, that makes things harder." Jeno furrows his brow in annoyance, but for now, he lets the subject drop. He could just go after school tomorrow and continue his search from there.


~*Here's chapter 2. I hope you're liking it so far,, updates will probably be frequent but idk*~

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