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Lee Jeno,

Hey Blue Boy, here's another hint since I plan on coming out soon. Why do I call myself red boy? Because red is my favorite color, just like yours is blue. I wear red sweatshirts, red Vans ...and don't forget what I said before, Red fades to pink ;)

I'll reveal myself soon~ I promise~

Signed, ºRed Boyº

Jeno does a little dance when he sees that last sentence. He'll reveal himself soon. Oh my god!

"You sure are happy this morning." A voice says, yawning.

"Fuck yeah I am! He said he's gonna reveal himself soon!" Jeno turns to Renjun, who just raises an eyebrow.

"Who's revealing themselves soon?" Donghyuk comes into the dance practice room, yawning even louder than Renjun.

"He said that his admirer is gonna come clean...or something like that."

"Ah..." Donghyuk turns and eyes Jaemin as he walks through the door. The boy only looks away, a blush on his face. "Well..that's great news Jeno."

"I know right? Finally, all my guessing can soon be put to ease." Jeno smiles and puts his letter away, not noticing the staring contest between Donghyuk and Jaemin.

'So you're confessing?'

'Yeah ok I am. So what?'

'Finally taking my advice huh?' Donghyuk smirks knowingly.

'No. This was fully my decision. You had no effect.'

'Uh huh. Mk. You keep telling yourself that.'

'Shut up!'

'I'm not even talking dumbass.' Donghyuk rolls his eyes and Jaemin just face palms.

"Damn what's gotten into you two?"

"Nothing!" They both shout. The 5 other boys give them strange looks but say nothing more. It was time to practice anyways.


"What if I like...bleached my hair?" Jeno says, stretching out on his living room couch. He scrolls through his instagram feed, liking and commenting on random posts.

Jaemin turns to him, eyes wide. "Why would you want to? It's burns like hell."

"Yeah yeah, you did it and I don't see your head on fire." Jeno retaliates.

"Because I also dyed it dumbass."

"Whatever. I'm tired of my natural hair. Plus I think it would look good bleached." Jeno turns his head, giving his idea to his friend.

Jaemin tilts his head to the side in thought. He stares intensely at the older's head. "I mean, yeah...I could see it. You gonna do it at a salon?" He asks, turning back to his phone.

"Nah...that costs too much money. I can just buy some rando hair bleach from a drugstore or something."

"Want me to help you bleach it? Since I actually know how." Jaemin raises an eyebrow.

Jeno sits up, eyes sparkling. "Would you please~"

"Sure sure. I don't mind. Plus I supervise you."

"I don't need supervision." Jeno pouts.

Jaemin rolls his eyes. "If I needed supervision when I first dyed my hair red, then you will definitely need supervision."

"Your hair was red? But it's pink." Jeno lays back down on the couch.

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