Day Four;; Hokage

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    “Oi, Sasuke! Have you ever kissed a Hokage before?” Naruto slurred, gripping Sasuke’s shirt to balance himself as he stumbled over the uneven steps leading to his home.

    “What kind of stupid question is that?” Sasuke groaned, his voice heavy with exasperation. It had been a long night already and by the look of things, it was only going to get worse.

    “Do you want to?”

    Sasuke glared at his comrade of many years. Soon he would no longer be the idiot genin he trained with; instead, he would be the idiot Hokage. The idea of this mess of a man running the village sent shivers down Sasuke’s spine. The blond couldn't even stand straight after all the alcohol he insisted they consume to celebrate the news of his ‘promotion’. Sasuke maintained a loose grip on his arm as they approached the doorstep.

    “Not really. Come on, we're almost there. Just need to get you through the door.”

    Naruto snorted and jerked his arm away from the Uchiha. He fumbled within his pockets for his keys but his search was fruitless. His cerulean eyes sparkled as he shrugged, giving up on the menial task a little too quickly. A playful pout danced across his face. Sasuke took a step back as his friend took a step forward. Whenever Naruto acted like this, he was about to do something stupid so it didn't come as a surprise to Sasuke when the blond kept walking toward him.

    “Stop it,” Sasuke said as he felt his back hit one of the balcony support beams, “You make me nervous when you look at me like that.”

    “I make you weak in the knees, don't I?” Naruto purred, swaying on his unsteady feet as he leaned forward.

    Sasuke shook his head and scoffed. While he was pleased with how much blackmail material he would have in the morning, the fact that Naruto was close enough that the overwhelming scent of alcohol wafted off the blond’s lips to linger into his nostrils made him uncomfortable. It made him uneasy when a rough finger tapped his nose twice before dropping to his mouth. With sloppy, circular motions, Naruto toyed with his bottom lip. Sasuke swatted the hand away with a huff. It wasn't that he disliked this side of Naruto - he rather enjoyed it actually - he just wished he would act this way when he was sober.

    While lost inside his thoughts, Sasuke failed to notice his companion closing the gap between them. Liquor-flavoured lips smashed against his own. A hand pulled at his hair, tugging his head back with a little too much force. He hissed but Naruto paid him no mind and continued his assault, his tongue sliding across Sasuke’s lip in a silent plea for admittance. Once the initial shock wore off and the gravity of the situation hit him, the Uchiha pulled away. The action was small, but for someone who couldn't open a door in his current state, it was enough to send Naruto toppling backward. Sasuke debated letting him fall on his ass, but he didn't want to hear the non-stop whining that would follow. Before his body met the floor, Sasuke swooped him up into his arms.

    “You're an embarrassment, you know that? Where are your keys? Can you get inside without hurting yourself?"

    “No, baby, you need to take me,” Naruto hiccuped then giggled as he nibbled on Sasuke’s ear. “Take me right here and now.”

    “You've got to fucking kidding me,” Sasuke muttered under his breath as he searched for the keys.

    Once his fingers made contact with the cold metal, he wasted no time unlocking the door and carrying Naruto inside. He ignored that bubbly feeling building deep inside his stomach as his friend sucked on his neck, choosing to quicken his pace and ascend the stairs without any further delays. Even when an unexpected hand found its way up his shirt and brushed against his nipple, Sasuke maintained his stoic expression. Kicking open the bedroom door, he bolted over to the bed. Without hesitation, he dropped the Hero of the Leaf onto his unmade bed.

    “Get some sleep,” Sasuke said with a tired sigh, only getting to rest his eyes for a mere few seconds before his peace was disturbed.

    He fell down, or rather he was pulled down, on top of Naruto. His eyes snapped open as sharp teeth dug into his shoulder and an odd sense of pleasure shot through his body. Warm, sticky blood dripped down from the wound. Sasuke enjoyed the pain; it excited him. No, it aroused him. A muffled groan slipped past his clenched teeth and he wanted to kick himself when he saw how it in turn affected Naruto. Lust burned within those deep, ocean blue eyes.

    “This is your last chance to fuck me before I'm a big deal, Sasuke."

    The Uchiha scoffed while he pushed himself off the bed, “You're already a big deal, you idiot.”

    “I know you want to,” Naruto teased, tugging at Sasuke’s waistband in an attempt to drag him back between his legs.

    “That's not the point. You're drunk, just rest.”

    “So you do want to fuck me! I knew it.”

    Sasuke fell into that one, there was no denying it. He hoped Naruto would be too hungover in the morning to remember any of this conversation, but he was never that lucky. While he wasn't above petty arguing in attempt to refute the statement, his head was throbbing and he just wanted this night to end. As such, he let the jeer go without a response. With fingers as fast a lightning, he removed Naruto’s jacket and shoes. Raising the blond’s legs, and in turn most of his body, Sasuke threw back the first layer of bedding and lowered his friend under the blanket.

    “Getting frisky there, handsome,” Naruto yawned and snuggled into his pillow as he shifted himself into what could only be described as a unique position, with limbs hanging out every which way.

    “Sleep,” Sasuke whispered, his tone commanding yet gentle.

    Naruto fell asleep within minutes, and though Sasuke told himself he would leave as soon as he was unconscious, he had no desire to actually do so. There were no sounds inside or out. The air itself felt serene and it took all he had to fight back the waves of sleep that tried to overtake him. The life of a shinobi was difficult enough, but the added responsibility of protecting the entire village was colossal. This was the last time he would see Naruto this relaxed, this carefree.

    “Good night, Lord Seventh.”

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