Day Three;; Skin

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    Shades of purple and blue swirled across his skin. His arms were painted with a multitude of bruises. His face wasn't faring much better; deep cherry red gashes cut across his tanned cheeks. Dirt and dried blood lingered beneath his sharpened nails. Shredded pieces of his jacket hung loose and swayed in the light breeze. Accentuated by the grime that covered his body, two distinct trails ran down from his beautiful, swollen eyes. His nose was crooked and bent out of shape. All of this was becoming a regular sight to Sasuke. He frowned.

    “Naruto, how did you get those?” Sasuke questioned, eyes flickering over the many injuries on his comrade.

    “Get what?”

    Sasuke sighed as his fingertips lingered over an elevated bump on the other’s knuckles. "These.”

    “What does it matter to you?”

    They sat in an uncomfortable silence, neither pushing the subject further even though it hung heavy in the air. Sasuke wasn't sure how he could get Naruto to open up to him. He thought of their relationship as something more than just friends, but that could have been his own wishful thinking. He stared at the man he grew up with and had come to respect. His eyes weren't shining like they used to and a pain much deeper than that of mere flesh wounds etched its way across his features.

    “You matter to me, Naruto. Please,” Sasuke paused as he faced his friend, “tell me what's wrong.”

    “It's… it's nothing, Sasuke.” Naruto forced a smile, clapping the raven-haired male on the shoulder before his gaze fell back to the floor.

    “Fine, don't tell me,” Sasuke snapped. Standing, he pulled Naruto to his feet with a light tug on his wrists. His eyes narrowed as he looked over his friend once more. “At least let me clean you up.”

    He knew Naruto could walk on his own but still chose to support the majority of his weight. He wrapped his arm around his body, pulling him to his side. Naruto rested his arm against Sasuke’s shoulder, relaxing into the taller man’s form as they ambled to the bathroom. All of his usual energy and positivity dissipated after his brawl and Naruto was left with the burden of knowing he had fucked up.

    His feet caught on the bathroom rug and he fell headfirst into the tub. Flipping himself around, he rested his head on the edge of the tub and stared at the faucet. He didn't feel like putting anymore effort into moving, let alone bathing, even if he was beyond messy. A genuine, small smile formed at the corners of his mouth upon hearing Sasuke’s worried yelp.

    “Be careful, idiot!” Sasuke snapped, recovering within mere seconds from his uncharacteristic concern.

    Sasuke turned the water on and watched it pour into the bathtub. It was a bit hot, but it needed to be to get all the muck off Naruto. He shot a glare at the grinning idiot as the water began to cover most of his legs. Gesturing for the blond to lift his legs, Sasuke removed Naruto’s pants in one swift movement. Under different circumstances, this would have been rather enjoyable. He discarded the thought.

    Naruto pulled off what remained of his jacket and threw it on the ground before removing his shirt. Sasuke didn't mean to stare but he also couldn't look away. His eyes remained fixated on Naruto’s toned body as his friend slid further down into the tub with a content sigh. The steam flattened his unkempt hair. Water lapped at his stomach and caressed his abs as it rose higher. He didn't notice his companion leave his side to grab a washcloth. He did, however, feel his return as goosebumps erupted across his skin.

    Sasuke dipped the washcloth into the water before squeezing the excess onto Naruto’s chest. He pretended not to see the way his friend’s lips tugged up at the sides or how his eyebrow twitched with amusement. The water darkened as Sasuke washed Naruto with gentle strokes that he hoped seemed indifferent. Cupping some water within his palms, he held Naruto’s face as his fingers traced along the cuts.

    “This is nice, Sasuke. I could get used to this,” Naruto teased as he opened his vibrant ocean-blue eyes and locked his gaze with the Uchiha’s.

    “You better not,” Sasuke growled as he pinched his cheek, “I'm not taking care of you every time you get into a fight over something petty.”

    “It wasn't petty! It was important!”

    “Oh really? It had nothing to do with any of the other fights you've been in lately? Fights that revolved around defending the Uchiha name?”

    “How do you know about-”

    “Honestly, Naruto, you shouldn't worry about what others think of me,” Sasuke muttered, leaning down into the tub to hover over his dear friend. He wanted to close the gap between them, wanted their lips to meet with mutual adoration and desire. He didn't know when it happened, but he had fallen in love with the blond. Pushing his feelings aside, he pulled back and continued to scrub at the dirt on Naruto’s neck and shoulders.

    “When they disrespect you, they disrespect me!"

    “I don't care and either should you.”

    “You mean the world to me Sasuke,” Naruto whispered, eyes searching for even a vague hint that his feelings weren't unrequited, “That's why I care.”

    “You keep this up and I'll start to think you're in love with me,” Sasuke snorted as he ran his slender fingers through Naruto’s hair, allowing the water to wash away the sweat, blood and dirt.

    Naruto froze. A bright pink tint flushed across his cheeks, ears and nose. He didn't say anything as Sasuke’s eyes widened, realisation hitting him harder than a landslide. They didn't break eye contact. Knots were beginning to tie in the pits of Sasuke’s stomach. He tried to speak but the words caught in his throat and fizzled out before they reached his lips. This was the moment he had yearned for for so many years and yet he couldn't make a sound. He cared for Naruto, he had since they were children, but when it mattered most, he was unable to form the sentence his friend needed to hear. Those three words were of no comfort if left unspoken.

    “Don't-Don't be silly, Sasuke,” Naruto stuttered, dropping his gaze to his feet as he removed the tub’s plug with his toes.

    Sasuke cursed himself for remaining silent. He offered no positive affirmation to Naruto, not through a smile or an embrace, even though he ached for the blond. He didn't want this moment to end - he never wanted any moment with Naruto to end - yet he couldn't prolong it. He felt frozen.

    “Thank you for being my friend, Sasuke,” Naruto laughed and the sound shattered Sasuke’s heart.

    Friends. Sasuke flinched at the word. He never knew something as silly and simple could sting this much. He watched as the blond lifted himself out of the tub, shuddering as droplets of water cascaded down upon him. Naruto placed a comforting hand on his shoulder but the weight of the conversation left unsaid burdened him. His eyes blurred as he watched the man he loved grab his clothes and exit the room. He didn't hear the soft gasps from the living room as Naruto held back his own tears, or the choked out goodbye. Sasuke didn't sense the pain Naruto was feeling as his own was devouring him whole.

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