Chapter 23 : I thought that

Start from the beginning

"There's nothing. We ran into each other at the airport by chance and as she had no one to drop her off at home, I offered to drive her myself. But we went to my place first because she had to go to the bathroom, that's all," my mother listened to my excuse skeptically, but in the end she seemed to buy the biggest lie of the century.

"Disappointed that the standard of students at this prestigious university has changed," 

"I can reassure you that the quality of teaching has not changed. Rather, I think some people should go back to school to learn good manners and how not to look down on people," she smiled and for a moment, I thought that my mother was ready to slap her. 

To prevent the situation from getting out of hand with my mother, who was beginning to suffocate me with these airs of a woman of high class, I pulled Jennie by the wrist towards the door. 

"We are going. I have errands to run before I get home, so don't wait up,"

"Lisa Manoban! Don't you dare close this d-" 

And I closed the door on her. No sooner had I arrived in this country, problems were already at my feet. Was it some kind of curse? They wouldn't even let me breathe and get back into my rhythm that my mother had decided to show up unannounced at home with a girl I knew from afar. 

Suzy Bae.

Psychology student who also obtained a doctorate. We were at the same university but when I entered my first year, she was already in her last year. Although we were in different departments, we had the opportunity to run into each other frequently between hours. We never really spoke except briefly exchanged a few words. No wonder the boys in her department were all after her. She was pretty, kind and smart.

But I never thought I'd find her standing in my living room at home. At that time, I didn't feel anything particularly towards her, although my friends at the time were pushing me to go and talk to her. Unlike them, my goal was only my studies and nothing else. 

Nevertheless, I say the same thing to this day when I see her. She was more attractive than she was. It would be foolish of me to deny this beauty. However, the reason was not strong enough for me to develop any feelings.

In addition, my mother seemed confident despite her attempts to find me a girlfriend. Suzy seemed like an open and mature person. She shouldn't be a problem for me. All I had to do was be straightforward with her, I wasn't ready to start a relationship no matter what my mother said to her. I didn't mind the friendship aspect. I was always ready to make new bonds.

"It was nice to finally get to meet your mom," she was applying lip gloss to her lips as she looked at herself in the rear-view mirror. Her skin had tanned to a honey colour and this new complexion made her look exotic and exquisite.

We were in the car stuck on the highway where endless lines of cars were there. People were coming back from holidays and generally everyone had planned to go to another country. Incheon airport was so crowded that the guards were increased. Some had the duty to create a passageway for people with reduced mobility.

"You shouldn't have talked to my mother like that," 

"Because her daughter now wants to teach me a lesson on how I should behave?" she stopped applying her lip gloss and looked at me bewildered.

"It's not what I'm trying to say, Kim," I calmly said letting out a breath that the car could move again.

"And now, you're calling by my family name? It's because we're now back to Seoul so you've just remembered that you were my professor?" 

Breathe Lisa.

"Can you calm down for a moment, jeez,"

"I'm completely calm. Stop thinking I'm a stupid kid,"

I parked the car in front of the tall building that I'm now familiar with. I turned off the engine and pressed the button to unbuckle my seat belt. The atmosphere in the car was even more uncomfortable than the one in my apartment.

"If you stopped mixing things up, I wouldn't take you more seriously," I got out of the car and went to the trunk to get her luggage. She followed me quickly slamming her shoes on the ground like a brat. 

"More seriously? Bullshit. You've been looking at me like I'm an idiot all along anyway. You and your superior attitude because Miss has a doctorate and teaches at a prestigious school in Seoul," she ripped her stuff out of my hands and almost lost her balance. Good thing I was able to catch her in time or I would have had to call 911 because she fractured her skull.

"Kim! Can you be careful? Gosh, you're behaving exactly like a brat. If you want people to think you're an adult, change your attitude,"

"Okay you know what? Just forget it and go home. Thank you for the fantastic trip and for dropping me off," she turned her back on me, pulling behind her luggage, which looked like it weighed a ton. I rolled my eyes at how stubborn she was as her child's arms were about to dislocate from her tiny body. 

"Kim, wait! Let me help you," I tried to reach out my hand to get her things, but she shoved me back a few steps.

"No, I'm old enough to get by, thanks to your concern," she scoffed and entered in the building. I managed to control myself not to tear my hair out, seeing how she drove me crazy. She was adorable during the whole stay in Thailand and suddenly her personality switched. She was again Jennie Kim, the student who was all about her and made no effort. I thought she was going to change, but apparently it was just kinda a sample or promotion. 

The clock kept ticking in the meantime, so it wasn't long before I did what I had to do. I knew there was no point in arguing with her now because she would remain stubborn and convinced that she was right, like always. 

My phone that was in the back pocket of my pants buzzed. My dear mother's name was displayed, she had sent me three messages and I had one missed call. 

She gotta be fucking kidding me.

Her message was not even a choice but an obligation. It said that she was disappointed in my behavior. Then she ordered me to pick up Suzy Bae at the restaurant tomorrow night where she herself had already made the reservation. 

While I was planning to enjoy my Sunday tomorrow before classes restart. But looking on the bright side, it was an opportunity for me to talk with Suzy about the nonsense my mother had been so persistent. So I simply replied with an 'ok', hoping it would be enough to calm her tempers. I wasn't ready to deal with her again so soon.

I took a quick glance out of the car window to see if Jennie would appear in a calmer state. 

"Tsk. Why do I even care?" I asked myself. I shook my head at those ideas and drove right away. If she wanted to make a big deal out of it, let her do it because I wasn't gonna go after her. Nevertheless, I knew that I had to say a few words to my mother about her attitude because she herself had asked for it. Stopped at a red light, I hit my forehead against the steering wheel, letting a cry of desperation.


I thought this vacation was going to make things better, but apparently I was wrong. 

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