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Just as he was about to exit the room, "Wait, you're wearing that to a fashion show?" His eyes darted up and down, inspecting my oversized white T-shirt and black shorts.

"I'm not going, I don't want to intrude...and besides, I'm not invited."

Minho searched through his blazer jacket pockets, "Here, a spare ticket entry. For you." Actually this isn't a spare ticket, I actually got this for you Y/N, Minho thought.

"Oh, thanks. I'll get changed now I suppose."


Rummaging through my luggage, I chuck on my white jumpsuit and leave my hair down. Putting on some hooped earrings, and applying light makeup.

"Are you choreographer or the next top model?" Woojin beamed at the sight of me once I meet the members in the living room

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"Are you choreographer or the next top model?" Woojin beamed at the sight of me once I meet the members in the living room.

"Yah! (Hey) Stop it Woojin." I giggle shyly. (a/n: she's supposed to call Woojin oppa because he's older than her but I'll just leave it)

"Yeah alright we don't want to be late for Maejin. The limo is outside already." Minho was the first to stand up and head to the limo, followed by the rest of us.


We arrived at the destination, there were reserved seats for the 10 of us but Minho took us backstage first.

"OHHH SUGARPLUM!" Maejin squeezed Minho's cheeks and passionately kissed him.

Um sugarplum? Is she his grandma or what?

"Oh uh, you came too!" Maejin smiled at me.

"Yeah, you look nice by the way."

"I know, don't I? This is a designer dress." She spun around, showing her outfit to me. "I could lend it to you sometime if you want."

"I'm good but thanks for the offer." Being polite, I force a smile.

"Anyway, you guys better go to your seats. I'm going to go backstage, bye!" She spun around and waddled away, that dress was obviously uncomfortable but she didn't want to show it.


"AYE YES!!" Minho cheered when it was Maejin's turn to walk down the catwalk. The other members clapped for her, whereas I just watched.

"I bet you could pull off that look easily." Hyunjin whom was sitting next to me, whispered.

"No doubt." I smirk cockily.

It's been 3 hours since we came here.

"Ugh, when is this going to end?" Jisung huffed, slouching back into his seat.

"This is taking forever!" Jeongin whined.

"Can we leave now, Maejin already had her turn." Felix insisted.

"Stop being such babies, this isn't that bad!" Minho scolded.

"Yeah, this fashion show is actually quite interesting!" I agree with him for once, causing him to whip his head in my direction,

"Did you just agree with me?"

"Oh I can take it back if you want-"

"No-..Uh that's fine. See guys? Y/N agrees too." Minho proudly spoke, with his arms folded.

"Because Y/N agrees, I'll have to agree too then." Seungmin remarked.

"Wait, am I missing something? I thought you guys hated each other?" Chan laughed.

"I didn't say I liked him, I just agreed with him, that's all." I shrugged.

"Well she's still annoying and I'm still...me." Minho added, turning to face the catwalk again.

"When will you guys stop hating each other? This is so immature." Woojin sighed, shaking his head with disapproval.

To be honest, I agreed with Woojin but Minho was not helping at all with his behaviour, so I decided to play his so called 'game'.


Minho's POV:

Woojin hyung was actually right. This is immature isn't it? But seriously who cares? She gets on my nerves and since she is also being rude, I'll continue to be rude too.

While the others were still watching the fashion show, I slipped out of my seat and snuck backstage, nobody seemed to notice that I left because they were too busy complaining.

Maejin could be seen conversing, she was standing really close...too close in fact, to a guy, probably a model too. They're bodies were around 2 inches apart. As soon as she saw me, she stepped away from the guy and happily walked towards me,

"What did you think of me? Was I beautiful?"

"Of course you were." I grin, looking up and down her outfit.

"Anyway, I've got to go now, but wish me luck!" She turned then strolled away, not even a goodbye peck on the lips or anything? Fine then.

Am I actually happy in this relationship? Wait why am I asking myself this question...of course I am!


Y/N's POV:

"Ah ha look at that models dress, it looks like it has clowns on it which reminds me of Minho." Jeongin chortled.

"Yeah Minho hyung, what do you think-" Seungmin turned to Minho's seat but he was gone.

Where did Minho go? To the toilet?
Then it struck me. Ah, yes, probably to Maejin, his precious girlfriend. Who is most likely a brat. What does he even see in her?

Finally Minho returned, and sat back down.
"Where did you go?" Chan asked him.


"To Maejin?" Changbin guesses.

"Will you guy quit being nosy and focus on the show." Minho retorted.

"But the show is boring. It wouldn't be boring if Y/N was on the runway though." Jisung mischievously chuckled.

"Excuse me? I'm much better where I currently am thank you."

2 more hours have passed and it was now 10pm, time for an after party at a fancy avenue.

It was at the rooftop of a 5 star hotel. There were models, managers and VIP guests at the party. "You guys go on ahead, I'll be there soon." I back away and walk out to the balcony for fresh air.

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