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Maejin froze, sitting upright as her manager sprang off her.
The room was silenced for a bit before Maejin let out a burst of laughter, tapping her manager's back. 

My brows furrow at her unusual behavior, who acts this way when they get caught cheating by their significant other? "How professional of you Maejin. You hurt someone then you react by laughing like this?" 

"Minho, what brings you here dude?" She chuckled, "You kind of came in at a bad time." 

Why did Maejin seem so unbothered about this? Something isn't adding up, I know it. 

"You cheated on me with your manager?! Out of all people?!" He raised his voice, veins popping from his neck as his jaw clenched. "Have you no dignity??" 

"It's not what it looks like- I was only sharing a moment of laughter with him!" She defended herself, while cupping her cheeks and pouting. 

Minho couldn't contain himself but began bursting out into laughter as well, "You crossed the line with that! Stop pouting geez." 


"Wait, excuse me? Am I missing something here??" I spat, "She was cheating on you- and you- don't you want to save your relationship? Minho??" 

"Y/N, Y/N..." Maejin rose from the couch, "You didn't think we were actually a couple did you?"

"I...what?!" Whether it was due to anger, confusion, or embarrassment, I couldn't decipher which emotion made my cheeks heat up, "Minho, what is she talking about?" 

He looked at me smirking, "It all simply comes down to a friend helping a friend. Maejin here was dating her manager all along, but she couldn't reveal that to her colleagues just yet could she? That might come off as unprofessional. So, with my help, I acted as her boyfriend, so there won't be any suspicion between her and her real boyfriend." 

"What?! But your company, you said only the boys knew..." 

"None of them know about the fake relationship, I only 'appear' around her colleagues and modeling events to cover up for her manager. Hence why I never actually hang out with her outside modeling-related events, if you haven't noticed." 

"That's why they noticed your change in behaviour around her huh?" 

"You do a pretty darn good job at being my boyfriend Minho." Maejin complimented, before putting her arm around her real boyfriend. 

"Why Minho though? Couldn't you have asked another person?" 

"We met at an event once, and I thought, wow he's perfect for the role." She grinned, "We became friends after that before getting into a 'relationship', I guess."

"So I went through all this for nothing?!" I turned to Minho, fuming. 

"I wouldn't say nothing, I guess it's time for Maejin and I to "break up', isn't that right Hatashi?" Maejin's boyfriend agreed with Minho's comment. "I'm sure Maejin's comfortable enough with revealing her real boyfriend." 

"You made me look like a fool." I muttered, "I can't believe you actually got me to care about this situation Minho!!" 

"Look, thanks for your help Y/N but it was just a little bit of funning around-"

"No! It was a waste of time, and you led me to believe this whole thing?? How insensitive can you be Minho? I actually forced myself to revert from liking you because you were in a relationship!!" 

Shit, this was an unintentional blurt! "...I mean....uh like as in a friend?...." I attempt covering for myself before fleeing from the room, "Just- ugh, leave me be!" 

'WAIT MISS! The photoshoot!!" The director called out to me but I ignored his request, heading straight for the car again. 


After a few minutes had passed, Minho entered the car silently. I turned away from him, rolling my eyes. 

"Ready to go?" Our driver asked to which Minho nodded as a reply. 

"Y/N..." He began, 

"Don't Y/N me-"

"You look nice by the way." 

I scoff, forcing myself to face him, "Are you being sincere or is this just another one of your lies?" 

"Hey I hardly compliment people, just saying." He surrendered, "And I know you're mad, you deserve to be, but may I know why you're mad?" His voice softened, as he gave me his undivided attention.

"It's just- argh- I don't know! This was just very confusing for me!" Or was it because I liked him...

"Well to make up for it, well uh, you still into that Kyle guy?" 

I respond by slowly nodding to his question. Or was Kyle just a distraction from him? 

"Right. I'll help you get with him." He swallowed his words, "No full promises though." 

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