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If I bring him, maybe I'll be able to sort my feelings out, right?!? Weigh out the options of who I'd rather date, it's not selfish is it?

I sent a text message to Kyle, inviting him to the dance studio this morning, to share the pleasant news with him.


"Great news...I'll be joining you guys on tour!!" I chimed as I entered the room. The boys cheered, celebrating for me while glancing at Minho.

"I'm glad you're coming." Minho approached me, smiling softly.

"He even gave me a spare ticket!" I beamed, showing the ticket proudly to Minho.

"Who are you thinking of bringing?"

"Well I was thinking of bringing..." I gestured to the door that was opening, in entered Kyle.

"Hey everyone!" He waved at the boys and they waved back, going over to introduce themselves properly to him.

Minho's smiled dropped, "Wait...so are you guys a thing?" He whispered.

I shook my head, "Minho, it's not like that-"

He nodded slowly, "You should go greet your boyfriend."

"What? No he's not my boyfr-"

"Y/N!" Kyle greeted, strolling towards me and he gave me a hug. "This is amazing, thank you for thinking of me."

"Of course!" As I hugged Kyle, I glanced at Minho, who appeared to be watching us with his brows raised.

"Alright let's just start practice." Minho's eyes grew wide, walking off to start the music.


"What do you think Kyle?" I asked Kyle for help since he was here as a guest, also observing the boys as they practiced.

"You guys look great! But maybe for the chorus, they could do a different formation, I was thinking a triangle instead of a single file line, that way it will look move cohesive."

"Wow you know your stuff, did you do dance before?" I was impressed.

"I used to teach, it's nothing much though." He chuckled shyly.

"You're right Kyle, it feels better too!" Jeongin complimented, as the boys shifted into a triangle formation.

"Alright Y/N's the choreographer here not Kyle, let's focus." Minho remarked. "Thank you though, Kyle."

"No problem."

I could feel Minho practically death glaring Kyle the entire dance practice. While the others boys didn't seem to mind Kyle, Minho exuded a whole different vibe.

It was soon made apparent that I was not the only one who felt the thick tension in the air.

"I think we're all tired today, why don't we just grab some lunch and fuel ourselves before we get any more grouchy." Chan suggested, waving at me to cut the music.


"So Kyle, what is it that you do again?" Minho questioned, taking a mouthful of rice.

"I'm currently a freelance journalist, I dabble a bit in writing books too." Kyle responded, "I'd be happy to write articles about you guys, you're really hitting it big!"

"So do you like, make money of that?" Jeongin raised a brow.

"Dude you can't just ask someone that." Changbin corrected, "I'm sure Kyle is comfortable, I mean look at how he dresses."

Changbin was right, while the boys wore casual clothes, Kyle always somehow showed up in formal attire, which I found somewhat attractive. A guy who put in effort, what's not to like? I chuckled to myself. 

"Pst, you okay?" Felix whispered, noticing my grin.

"Ah a journalist I see. So going around finding the worst in people is in your nature?" Minho made a snarky comment, which caught me off guard.

Kyle shifted in his seat, "Not at all, actually, I only report positive things because why focus on the negative, it gets you nowhere."

"Let me guess, you want award for doing that, mr goody two shoes?" Now, I don't know where Minho was going with all these remarks and questions, this is lunch! Not an 'interrogating Kyle' session!

"Minho enough." I remarked.

"What? If he's coming to Japan with all of us, might as well ask him questions so he's not a stranger." Minho shrugged.

There was an underlying meaning to this, and I did not have a good feeling about it. "Excuse me." I rose up and went to the bathroom, hoping to get away for a while.

As I began washing my hands, all too familiar voices could be heard.

"Why did you think she chose to bring Kyle?" A muffled sounding Seungmin asked, it sounded like it came from the guys' bathroom.

"Do you think she's trying to make Minho jealous?"

"Well if that's her motive, it's clearly working." Hyunjin laughed, "Look at how mad he was at practice today."

What?! No I'm not trying to make him jealous at all!

"The way she looks at Kyle kind of makes it appear that she's infatuated with him...do you think they are a thing?" Jisung pointed out.

"She clearly likes Minho though, they're always together, most of the time, right?" Felix defended Minho.

Felix was in there too?! Damn they're really having a '00 Liner meeting in the men's toilet.

"Minho's going to loose focus if this unspoken competition keeps going on, it needs to stop soon." Seungmin commented.

"How though??"

"Ask Y/N to bring another friend??"

"You can't just ask her that, she'll be suspicious. And Kyle will know that something is happening, does he even know that Minho likes Y/N??"

"I doubt it. He's too busy oozing over Y/N himself."

That's it, I've had enough of their talk. "Guys I can hear you!" I whispered-yelled from my side of the toilet.

"Oh!" Felix chimed, "hi!"

Hyunjin walked out the bathroom and smirked to himself, "You, need to sort your feelings out before everything gets out of hand Y/N."

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