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The sounds of birds chirping was the first thing I heard after my eyes slowly opened. That's strange, looking towards the ceiling...this was not the ceiling of the living room but, my shared bedroom?

Since when did I teleport to the bunk bed? I shot up, tilting my body over the bed, looking to the bed below mine. Minho was laying there, casually checking his phone. "Oh you're up?" He comments, not bothering to look up from his phone.

"W-wha...when...how did I even get here? I don't remember falling asleep on my bed because someone occupied the room for too long."

"You're welcome."

"You're welcome? You seriously think I'm going to thank you for that Minho? You didn't even-"

"After Maejin left, I carried your fat ass to your bed."

"Oh....uh...Thanks I guess, for not leaving me out there alone in the living room."

My body felt lethargic and couldn't be bothered to move, but on the other hand, I was more observant of my surroundings. "Why is the house so quiet? What time is it?"

"It's 7am, the others usually don't get up till around 8 or 9, sometimes even 10."

"So you're an early bird." I stated, since Minho appeared to be the first one up.

"99% of the time I'm not but today you got lucky. I felt like getting up early."

"What's on the schedule for you guys today?"

"How many questions are you going to ask? You're more talkative than Minhyuk was." He gets out of his bed, obviously annoyed.

"Hate to break it to you but I'm not Minhyuk."

"As if I haven't noticed." Minho scoffed, leaving the room.

"Ugh he's acting like a brat." I mutter to myself, jumping down the bunk bed, proceeding to get ready for the day.


"Morning." Hyunjin greeted, seems like he was an early bird.

"Morning. Hey, uh I was wondering, what's on the schedule today for you guys?"

"Practicing all morning for the KBS festival tomorrow and attending a fashion show tonight. Minho sponsored all of us because his girlfriend is walking the catwalk."

"Sweet, thanks for the update." Wait, was I included in Minho's sponsorship? I don't know, we'll have to wait and find out.

Since I was feeling energized now, I decided to make breakfast for the boys because why not. I'm sure they would appreciate some homemade breakfast.

"What is it with you and cooking? It's a pair that goes so well together!" Seungmin chimed, taking a huge mouthful of my scrambled eggs.

"Glad you guys like it!"


After practicing all morning, now it's night-time back at the dorm:

"Who has my cologne??" Changbin scurried out of his room while tying his suit tie, looking like a frustrated mess.

"Felix borrowed it, I think he left it in Jeongin's room." Chan answered as he put on his socks.

"Has anyone seen my navy blue tie??" Woojin paced around the dorm, searching high and low.

"Over here! It's hanging by the window!" Seungmin responded from his room.

"Wow, is this what it's always like? You guys are hectic when getting ready to go out." I comment, looking at Chan whom was the first one ready.

"Believe it or not, it's always like this. We told our makeup artists and stylists to take the day off today since we weren't really doing much, besides, we can manage ourselves." Chan nodded.

CRASH. A crash erupted from someone's room.

"....or not." He chuckled.

"Jisung, what're you doing? You smashed my tiny mirror, that was the only one I had." Hyunjin's yell could be heard from outside of their room.

"Ah sorry, I was trying to get my hair gel at the top of the shelf, I'll buy you a new mirror!"

"You guys are hilarious." I chuckle, shaking my head with amusement then getting up to go to my room.

As soon as I entered, I saw Minho standing in front of the long body mirror, attempting to tie his black tie.

"Aish..." He muttered, full of frustration as he continuously tried to redo his tie.

Slowly, I swift into the room to stand beside him, "You need help?"

"I don't need help from you."

"Okay, suit yourself." I walk over my bunk bed, and sat on the edge, checking my phone for any messages.

"...Uh...actually...I mean, you know, tying ties can be hard and uh..." Minho spoke up, looking over at me.

A laugh escaped my mouth, "Come here." I hop off the bed and walk closer to him, tying his tie for him.

"All done." I pat the tie, inspecting it one last time to make sure it looks in shape and not out of sync with his suit.

"...Thanks." He muttered but, my mischievous side felt like teasing him.

"What's that? I couldn't hear you."


"Sorry what? I'm not quite sure I can grasp what you're saying Minho.."

"I said THANK YOU. Are you deaf or something?"

"Ohh, you're welcome." A cunning smirk crept upon my face.

Hate To Love You [ Lee Minho x Reader ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon