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When I arrived back at the table, it appeared that one person was missing.

"Where's Kyle??"

Chan immediately shot his eyes to Minho, "Leave me out of this." He surrendered.

"Minho?" I raised my brows, grabbing my jacket from the chair.

"Why don't you ask him what happened since you're so close with him Y/N." He remarked, I looked at Minho with defeat, why was he acting like this?!?

"Stop acting like this." I sighed before grabbing the remainder of my belongings and leaving the restaurant to find Kyle.


After the fifth time of trying to call him and searching around Seoul, I eventually gave up and headed home, back to the dorm. Did I mention that I was drenched in pouring rain because it did not occur to me to carry an umbrella around on what was supposed to be "sunny day". You can never trust the weather forecast too much ladies and gentlemen.

"What did you guys say to him?!" I stormed into the living room, soaking wet.

"I did not say anything Y/N, don't blame me but him." Minho replied, "You should really dry yourself up before you catch a cold."

"Real mature Minho, putting the blame on others. When are you going to learn to grow up?!"

The dorm went silent, every member watched us with great intensity.

Minho stood up, folding his arms, "Hang on, why are you making this about me?"

"Isn't everything always about you." I cooed, tilting my head.

He clenched his jaw, "Stop this right now."

"No! Since we're on the topic of maturity, let's discuss this right now. Since day one, you've been made this whole journey a pain in the ass for me, and now yet again, stirring things up because you're not the centre of attention. You feel threatened by Kyle, don't you?! He has been nothing but nice and all you did was make him feel like an imposter!"

"You say I'm immature but let's ask the real question here, why can't you just decide between one guy?! You know this whole thing just feels like you're using the both of us so you can drop one of us whenever you feel like it...if anyone is immature it's you Y/N."
Minho asserted, grabbing a towel from a cupboard and throwing it my way.

"That's not true! I already told you, it's you that I..." Don't say anything you'll regret Y/N. "I'm just trying to avoid any complications."

"Well it's too late for that."

"We'll uh, leave you guys to it." Changbin rose from the couch, followed by the other members, scurrying out of the living room in matter of seconds.

"You really want to know what we talked about Y/N?" Minho probed.

I glanced at him eagerly, waiting to see what he would say.


"What do you mean, me?"

"He offered to become our full time choreographer alongside you and I declined it firmly. He then proceeded to joke about how he'd be a better choreographer, which I did not take lightly. It then turned into a dispute, about everything..." Minho began,  "So I kindly told him to leave."

Minho was defending me this whole time?
"Minho...I'm so sorry." Slowly, I approached him and we both sat down.

"Next time before you jump to any conclusions, take things one step at a time Y/N." Once again, our faces were barely an inch apart, were we about to kiss again? He snuck a quick glance at my lips, "Go take a shower, you smell like rain." Then got up and left.



Y/N, meet me at my office as soon as you can.
-Uncle Jinyoung. My stomach dropped, Uncle Jinyoung never sounded this serious, what could he possibly want to see me for?

I got dressed and scurried out the door after taking a sip of the fresh coffee Chan brewed.

"No breakfast?" Changbin called out to me.

"I'll grab a bite later!" I replied before shutting the door.

To his officer I went.

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