Sadie looks to you with an amused smile at your question,   "You know."   You then put the pieces together,   "Oh.... ohhhhhhhh."   You click your tongue and shoot her a finger gun. Spinel leans into you and Lars perks up,   "Hm, I was expecting her to be less.. Cute?"   You cock a brow at him, Lars gasps and rubs his neck,   "Oh sorry, it's just- based on what Steven told me- I didn't expect Spinel to be this little and pink."    Spinel groans and suddenly stretches out all her limbs dramatically; making spring shapes with her arms.   "Look, I may be small, but I can put up a fight buddy."   Lars nervously laughs and waves his hands in front of him,   "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean it like that."   Spinel shrinks back to normal and shrugs,   "Nah, I get it I'm a cute little playmate."   You rub her head,   "You're a scary- little playmate."   

Spinel puts a hand to her cheek- lifts a leg and slowly waves a hand in a cat-paw like motion,   "Awe shucks."

There's a pause, but you laugh and a few of your friends do as well.

 Rodinite then cautiously perks up,   "So you two are in love?"   Spinels face flushes red a little and you smile,   "Yeah, heh.."   Shep pulls Sadie to their side and grins,   "You both are very cute together. What do you think Sadie?"   Shep says as they nudge Sadie.   "Oh! Yeah. You two really balance out each-other nicely."   

Rodinite, walks forward some more and looks over the two of you,   "Yes, not only that, but you two would make a beautiful fusion!"   

You look between Spinel and yourself,   "Really?"   Rodinite steps to Spinel and cautiously takes one of her arms. She stretches the limb back and forth before looking over each of your heights and widths.   "Yes, the two of you have attributes that balance each-other out. Also a fusion like yours would be of fair height, not too big or too small. Pulls great flexibility and balance."   You and Spinel look at each-other. Spinel then looks back to Rodinite.   "That sounds great, buuuut.. we can't fuse."   You nod and place a hand on Spinels shoulder,   "Oh that's right! Y/n's a human."   You chuckle and shrug,   "That's okay. We can still love each-other unfused. We don't need to be fused in order to be together no matter what."   Spinel grabs your hand,   "Yeah."   Rodinite puts her hands to her cheeks,   "That's beautiful!"   The rutile-twins then walk up to you and Spinel with starry eyes,   "Yes, its beautiful."-"You both are separated but connected at the same time."   The twins look down at their conjoined gem,   "It's kind of-"-"Like us."   You hug the twins.

Yup, this was where you belonged.


After hanging out with the Off-Colors, Lars, Shep, and Sadie, you and Spinel got yourselves some ice cream and continued your walk.

Then you reached the woods.

Spinel was marveling at the pretty leaves and how they filtered the sunlight to look red and orange. You laughed at her gasps and constant glances. You looked up to an empty nest, Those baby birds Steven told you about must have grown up to leave the nest since the last time he'd seen them. You looked up through the leaves. Steven had grown up so fast too. You were a few years older than him, but it was enough to see him as a baby brother. Now he was so ready to grow up, it was a little silly. Even though he pushes his 'adulting', he still has a long way to go. You sigh and look down at the dirt path. It made you think about the idea of him leaving all of you- going somewhere else for a while to allow himself to grow without distraction.. 

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