League of villains

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As more of the villains were coming, Isac quickly started copying active quirks. His main priority was to copy the warping quirk that was bringing in the villains. He knew that if that quirk was able to transport people to another place, it could be used against them.

"So you scumbags used the press as a coverup to get on to campus grounds", Aizawa revealed. 

"Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who are eager to meet him. They want Allmight, the great symbol of peace. I can't believe he's not here, maybe if I kill a few kids he'll come out to play.", said a man with blue hair and a hand covering his face.

Isac and Aizawa clearly heard this and prepared for battle. Isac's magma became even hotter than before and in his hands, there were molten magma balls covered in fire. Aizawa activated his scarf's ability which caused it to spread out from around his neck.

"How can so many of them enter such a secure facility?", Eiji asked.

Momo then stepped forward, "Yeah, Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?"

"Good question I'm not sure", Thirteen stated.

"They must be blocking the signal somehow. Its probably someone's quirk", Isac stated, he then turned to Thirteen, "Thirteen, check your phone to see."

Thirteen then took out her phone and checked to see if there was any signal and sure enough there was none. "You're right, the signal is being blocked", she assured.

"Is the whole campus being attacked or is this there only target? Whatever the case, we have to find the person masking their presence or escape and call for help", Shouto stated. "The problem is that they carefully chose this isolated facility at a time where a class was being taught, they're fools for coming here, but they thought this out."

"Thirteen get the students out of here", Aizawa ordered.

"What are you going to do, you can't fight them on your own. There's too many of them, even if you can nullify their quirk, your fighting style isn't suited for this. Your power works best in stealth or in one on one fights", Izuki stated.

"Izuki, you don't really know much about pros huh?", Izuki then stared at Isac in a confused way. "You can't win every fight if you have only one ace in the hole."I'm going with you Aizawa"

Aizawa was about to reject his action, but when he looked at him again he saw those same determined and combat-experienced eyes, "Okay, but stay beside me. I'll leave them to you thirteen. "

Both teacher and student ran to the edge of the stairs ad jumped off with all their strength. 

"Shooting squad, get ready", one of the villains shouted, from behind him two more villains appeared ready to fight.

"Who's that", asked the female villain.

"Don't know, but if they think they can take us down easily they're dead", another villain yelled. 

Suddenly all three of their quirks immediately stopped working, Isac quickly knew who was responsible for this and that was Aizawa

"Huh, my quirk!? Where are my bullets!?", yelled the villains when they were wrapped up by Aizawa's scarf and then were sent flying into the air. As they were airborne he then pulled then below his knees and all three of them crashed together.

"That's Eraserhead, he can cancel your quirk just by looking at you", a villain said when he was suddenly punched by a fire hot fist.

"Shut your big mouth", Isac shouted. 

Behind him, someone tried to grab him but before he could, Isac had ducked down and did a leg sweep dropping the villain down. He then changed his quirks to a strength-enhancing and a transmute quirk. When two more villains were trying to get a jump on him he swung his hand upward and from the ground, two large cubes made up of dirt, cement, and rock came flying out and crashed into the villains. 

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