Stampy stared at him, confused but also found himself nodding slightly. "I... Yes?? I feel like you have but that would have to mean we've met before!"

Jason leaned back into the couch. "This makes no sense! How could we know each other when we haven't met each other!"

"Unless..." Tyler paused. "You already have met each other."

Stampy nodded. "But we don't remember it! But we remember little things, like Stella's name and my ears and tail," he agreed. "I just don't know how to find out more..."

"This has happened to other people right?" Jason asked. "Maybe we could ask around?"

Tyler nodded. "The last person to come back was Sky... We could ask him tomorrow if you want." He took out his phone and began texting.

[Logdotzip: Yo Sparklez, you still up?]

Stampy nodded. "That sounds like a plan." He agreed.

[CaptainSparklez: Dude, you know what time it is right? If I weren't a youtuber I'd be pissed that you woke me up.]

[Logdotzip: Ok but, this is kinda important. You'll never guess what just happened.]

[CaptainSparklez: Did Jason remember something? Or is this unrelated? Where you at?]

[Logdotzip: Stampy's back. He and Jason remember each other... somehow. They were in the same place together apparently.]

[CaptainSparklez: WHERE YOU AT?!]

[Logdotzip: IM AT JASONS HOUSE OK?!]

[CaptainSparklez: Be right over!]

About five minutes later, there was knocking on the door.

Tyler ran up to the door and opened it. "Well that was fast..."

He was panting heavily. "I ran all the way here..." He explained before stepping inside.

Stampy looked over and froze, staring at him before standing up. "Sparklez?"

Sparklez stood there before grinning and coming over. "Hey, it's been awhile, hasn't it?"

Stampy quickly pulled him into a hug which surprised Sparklez briefly before returning it.

"You're okay... We... We saw you-"

Sparklez pulled back, taking his hand firmly. "Hey, it's okay. That doesn't matter anymore. I'm fine." He reassured him.

"Wh-What about the-"

"Everyone's just fine. It seems you are too which is a relief."

Stampy slowly nodded. "Y-Yeah... Just... Having some memory blanks though..."

Sparklez nodded. "I heard... And uh, did you ever find out who-"


He nodded a bit stiffly. "I guess that makes sense when I think about it... What happened to-"

Stampy just nodded. "Trapped with endermites last time I heard anything...We thought you all were-"

"We're not, Stampy. I promise. Everyone is safe and at home probably sleeping."

Stampy relaxed a little and smiled faintly as they sat down.

"Wha...?" Sqaishey began to question before deciding that now probably wasn't the best time to open yet another can of worms.

Jason and Tyler stared at each other, wanting to say something but deciding that it was an issue to be addressed at another time.

Jordan looked at them. "So... Tyler says you guys remember each other?"

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now