Chapter 7

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I woke up with the most awful headache I had ever experienced. Getting high and drunk at the same time was probably the cause, then going to sleep after 5:00 AM probably didn't help either. Then I remembered what happened with Troy and how I told him my biggest secrets, my headache got even worse just thinking about him. I don't know if we are on good terms or not, considering what happened last night, but I honestly don't care.

I got up out of bed and opened the cabinet on the other side of the cabin to get some pills for my headache. I noticed no one else was in and I looked out the window and everyone else was already at breakfast. I didn't feel like having breakfast because I didn't feel great, so after I took my pills, I went outside to find Nick.

I saw Nick sitting on a bench all alone but he was on the bench that was right next to Troy and his friends. Just my luck. I decided to just go for it and hope they didn't notice me, but as soon as I began walking, Troy's gaze landed on me. I speeded up, but as I sat down across from Nick, all of the men started gossiping like high school girls. Then I heard Troy yell "Shut up!" and they all immediately stopped.

"Hey." I said unenergetically.

"Are you hungover?" Nick asked, surprised.

"Bible study wasn't what it sounds like." I replied, resting my head on the table.

"Well you weren't there all night because I saw Gretchen come back at 10:30 and you got back at after 4:00. So where did you go after?" Nick asks, and I knew he was very suspicious.

"Did mom know I got in that late?" I asked, getting worried.

"No, she left at 10:00 then didn't get back until 12:00 but I told her you went to take a shower and she went to bed before you got back." Nick answered.

"Thank you, you're the best Nick." I said, giving him a half-hearted smile.

"So what did you really get up to last night?" Nick questioned.

" If I tell you, do you promise not to tell mom?"

"I promise." said Nick.

"I decided to leave early from bible study and on my way back I ran into Troy, and he asked if I wanted to go hunting with him and the militia. I agreed for some stupid reason and I ended up trying to kill him but then I decided not to. And I spilled my guts to him, then we fell out and I don't think we are on good terms at the moment." I told him, as he looked at me in confusion.

"Are you out of your mind?"

"I think so." I replied chuckling. But I don't think I was joking. "Where's mom?"

"Getting food." Nick answered.

"Remember, don't tell her what I just told you." I told him sternly.

"Got it." he replied, and no further questions were asked about the events that took place last night.

"Listen up everyone." I heard Jeremiahs voice say, so I turned around to look at him, and I caught the ocean blue eyes of Troy, who was staring right at me. We both quickly looked away from each other, and I focused my attention on Jeremiah.

"We have lost communication with one of our outposts. Now this could mean a thousand different things, but we have to be sure nothing bad has happened. Troy will be taking out a group to go check up on them, so that means we need volunteers." Jeremiah spoke, as people began raising their hands.

I looked over at Troy, and he just simply shook his head at me when he could tell I was thinking about volunteering. I nodded back, realising I probably wasn't in the right physical state to go out after last night. I looked away from Troy, to see the people who volunteered, most of them were from the militia, then my mom raised her hand. I wasn't shocked, she always wanted to contribute where she could, which I was fine with. But then, she went and put her tray down on Troy's table, and sat right next to him. I saw her place the napkin on his lap, and I couldn't believe she was going and sucking up to him after she told me and Nick to stay away from him.

You understand this world, You understand me. ~Troy Otto~ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now