Chapter 6

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Me, Gretchen and the rest of the group had been walking for about twenty minutes, so I finally decided to ask,

"How much further?"

"Its right here." she said, walking a little further up the dirt path and pointing to a metal trap door.

Terrance opened the metal hatch, and I stepped down the ladder inside. It looked like a storage basement of some kind.

"Alright everybody, get your study materials!" Gretchen said, excitedly.

Everyone began grabbing bongs and alcohol off the shelves, as i went and sat down on one of the sofas that were situated around the table.

"New girl goes first!" Gabe shouted, passing me the bong.

"This isn't what I expected." I laughed, while taking the bong off him.

He lit the end for me, and I took in as much as I could, and I ended up coughing my lungs out as I passed it to Gretchen. I hadn't smoked weed since high school, and I definitely missed the feeling.

"So where is Geoff?" I asked, after everyone had took a hit from the bong.

Gretchen got up, then she brought back a walkers live head in a cage.

"Say hi, Geoff." Gretchen said, as she placed him on the table.

Being incredibly high, I ended up in fits of laughter.

After about twenty minutes of me laughing. Gretchen spoke up,

"Geoff wants to know where you're from."

"El Sereno, Los Angeles, California, America, North America, Earth." I said, literally out of my mind.

"Geoff wants to know what it's like, out there." Gabe said, while strumming his guitar.

"Chaos, killing, then it changes you. Not like Geoff, even worse. Can I ask Geoff something?"

Gretchen leaned closer to the cage he was in, "He says yeah."

"Why are the Otto's so well known here?" I asked, not really knowing why I thought a walkers head could answer me.

"They're the founding family. They made this place before most of us were even born. Jeramiah saw what was coming." Terrance answered.

"How long have you guys been here?" I asked.

"Most came when this all started, but it varies." Gabe replied, taking a sip of his alcohol.

"Geoff showed up a week after the world ended. It was the first one we saw like that, dead- alive." Gretchen added, before pausing for a few seconds. "Geoff says he's from Flagstaff, but I doubt it. He likes the Otto's. Except Troy." she said, and everyone laughed.

"Yeah, Geoff is not a fan." Terrance added and I would have definitely agreed with Geoff if I hadn't seen those tapes, but now I was unsure.

"Troy took Geoff's body." Gretchen whispered. No surprise there.

"I've seen a lot worse than that." I said, thinking of everything I have been though, which made me laugh as I realised how I didn't have a clue how I wasn't dead yet.

I just entered every day, not taking any time to think how it could be my last.

"Troy and the militia do what they can, they protect us." Gretchen told me.

"You can't rely on the Troy's of the world, not anymore" I said honestly.

"We have been behind the walls since this started Grace, we cant do the things he does out there." she explained.

You understand this world, You understand me. ~Troy Otto~ [Book 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin