Chapter 4

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The next morning, I stepped out of my cabin, and noticed lots of people gathered around the gate. I walked through the large crowd, the guards started opening the gates, and I saw my mom and Nick holding Luciana, while Jake was walking in front of them. I ran up to them as they lay Luciana on the ground. I hugged my mom and Nick, then smiled at Jake, until I noticed the woman who was the pilot of the chopper wasn't there and neither was Travis.

"Where is Travis?" I asked my mom.

"He's not-" she whispered, not being able to finish before she broke down.

I looked over at my brother and he came over and embraced me, as I sobbed into his shoulder.

Once I had calmed down, Nick and I walked over to Luciana, who was unconscious.

"Lucy!" Nick said repeatedly, while shaking her, but she wasn't waking up.

"I don't think she can hear you." a red-headed man, who I believe was a doctor, said.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked the doctor.

"She's not gonna make it, is what he means." Troy, who I didn't even realise was here, spoke up.

"No one was asking you Troy, so shut your mouth." I snapped while looking up at him, noticing he had changed his bandage.

"Help her!" Nick told Troy.

"If we take her to the infirmary, she could turn. It's against policy." he answered bluntly.

"It's your fault. You shot her!" I yelled at him, I didn't think it was possible to hate him any more than I already did, but it apparently was.

"I was defending my people Grace, and I'll do it again." he replied. And without any emotion, he pulled out his gun.

"No, no, no! This isn't how it has to be." Nick said, blocking Troy's path to get to Lucy.

"You know I have to Nick." Troy said, and Nick nodded and moved out the way. But, I could tell my brother had a plan B.

Troy moved towards Luciana, loaded his gun, and aimed it at her head. But before he could shoot, Nick spoke up,

"I'll do it, please."

Troy looked over at me then replied, "Alright." and handed Nick the loaded gun.

Me and Troy stepped back, about a metre away from each other, and tears escaped my eyes because I couldn't stand seeing my family in this much pain.

All of a sudden, Nick lifted the gun and aimed it at Troy.

Everyone around us raised their guns and pointed them at Nick, as Troy stood there unfazed.

"Let her in." Nick said, gun still aimed at Troy.

Then I did something even I found unbelievable.

I walked over and stood in front of Troy.

"Nick, you don't want to do this." I spoke, trying to calm the situation down.

"I said, let her in." Nick repeated, not moving the gun, but if he pulled the trigger, it would hit me instead of Troy.

"This isn't how we do things here." Jake told Nick, while holding him at gunpoint.

"Nick, put the gun down." I repeated.

"Do what your sister says Nick." Troy said, calmly.

Nick began moving closer, so Troy's father, who I found out is called Jeramiah, but mostly known as Mr Otto, stepped in front of Troy and I, with his hands up in surrender.

You understand this world, You understand me. ~Troy Otto~ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now