It's a big room that could house at least a thousand people. The size is no doubt just for the simple reason that this is the palace. Their rooms are just idiotically extra everything. Maybe they are so comfortable with this because they have slaves and servants to do their bidding. Or maybe, they needed to make sure the slaves always have something to do!

There are several chairs in each corner of the room. Resting chairs, high backed luxurious royal couches with small tables next to them. Aairah sat on the first one she saw. She breathed through her nose and tried harder to stay awake. She is surprised that no one tried to say something yet. She is praying she has a sudden stoke of luck and they wouldn't say anything.

"How do you feel?" She heard the queen ask softly by her side. She hadn't noticed that the queen had moved. But now she is standing by her side. A shock of fear woke her nerves and Aairah couldn't understand why the queen's nearness felt like danger to her. Is it because of what Madame Yula said? About touching?! She wondered.

Regardless of whether her elder companion is right or not, Aairah decided to be cautious. She meant to move away from the queen subtly and stand up so she puts a few inches between them. But the queen is standing at the back of her chair, leaning close and almost touching her. She has pushed her head close to Aairah's in an effort to speak only to her. Like they are having their own little secret. Aairah had sat on a normal cushioned resting chair and had opted to sit on the end of the chair where it has no hands. So there is no way it would look subtle if she moved away. And if she disregarded the consequences of slighting the queen, would she simply pretend like she didn't know if the queen decides to walk closer standing as well?

Aairah is so nervous, she forgot to pray. And maybe her mind isn't convinced the queen is personally dangerous.

Queen Neemah touched her shoulder then, squeezing as if lending support and said "you should rest when you leave. You need to be in peak condition for the emir. Okay?" She told her seeming concerned.

Aairah could barely hear her because of the way her heart had suddenly picked up speed. The slight trembling in her body coincided with the unreasonable amount of dread that has suddenly released into her nervous system. Aairah raised her head to look at the queen who smiled as if guilessly. But there is a ruthless quality in her eyes that made Aairah feel even more afraid.

She is like, what is wrong with me? Why am I suddenly afraid of the queen?

Queen Neemah walked away and Aairah could finally breath. She is breathing heavily though. And she has perspiration filling every little space in her body. Even her forehead!

She looked at the queen who returned a cool stare. Aairah has never seen the queen like this before. Suddenly, she feels very intimidated. As if she could no longer look at her without feeling afraid, restless, and an insane need to do anything just so she doesn't look at her like that.

Aairah has another fear. Why am I feeling so strange? I must be more tired than I feel...

"Ladies, my little sister, Lady Aairah Abdulaziz Fillo, has now officially been christened to be one of us. Please, let us join hands in congratulating her rebirth" Queen Neemah proposed with a strong voice that could only belong to a true leader.

Silence reigned in the room. Queen Neemah is bubbling with wicked intentions as she stared at Aairah, pretending to be so gracious. Once the ladies move forward to bow to Aairah, she will embarrass her so much she would lose the little courage she has left...

The ladies arranged themselves in front of Aairah, according to their ranks. lady Naeemah and Lady Basma stood at the front. Both women have neutral look on their faces as they stared at Aairah. Once they bow to her, they have agreed to accept her as their unquestionable leader. It is required of Aairah to return the favor by expressing acceptance. If she doesn't, it will mean she looks down on their loyalty and has belittled their honest offerings. Now it would be manageable for any lady except the Lady Alkali who is second only to the Queen in power and dominion. And she is standing at the front, naturally.

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