Chapter 22

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I managed to put out a statement via my agency pretty quickly after arriving. They were already in the midst of writing one up on my behalf which would have made me feel worse. Fortunately, I got there in time to add my own words.

As I leave the office, my head is still spinning. Why would someone do this to me? But more importantly who would do this to me? Who have I upset to the point that they feel they had to do this to me?

I tried to call Chelsea who would have calmed me down but her phone kept going straight to voicemail so I could only think of one other person who would help, even though by the sound of her last text, wasn't my biggest fan at the moment.

"Oh, look who it is. Finally took your cock out of her mouth has she?"

As expected, Alice is livid with me.

"Alice, I'm sorry. I really am."

"Are you? Really? I mean you pretty much slapped my hand away last night and went off to fuck her. How do you think that made me feel?"

"I know, I'm sorry but I though we were just..."

"Just what, Noah? Fuck buddies? Someone you can just toss to the side when someone else comes along?"

"No, not at all. I didn't realise you were that...into me?"

"Pffft. Don't flatter yourself, Noah. I just don't like being used like that, I don't think most women do. But you men don't see it like that do you? Just another fuck and chuck, am I?"

"Alice, please stop. It was never my intention to upset you. I'm sorry for making you feel this way. I was wrong and wish I could make it right again between us."

"Meet me after work. At my place and you can start making it up to me by bringing me dinner. Sound fair?"

I was in no position to say no, it was the least I could do. "Absolutely. I'll see you at 7?"

No answer, the three beeps echoed in my ear as she put the phone down on me.

"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself as I bring my hand up to my brow, my head was pounding. This stress headache was killing me.

She didn't even mention what had gone on this morning? Surely she had seen the article? Why would she not say anything?

I shake my head clear of the thought. Here I was just thinking about myself again while my best friend is furious with me. I had to make it up to her. No, scrap that. I will make it up to her.


My phone had not stopped blowing up from this morning.

Journalists and magazine editors bombarding me with phone calls, text messages and emails. It was a wonder how my battery had survived the day. All wanting my side of the story but as much as I wanted to defend myself and clear my name, I was under strict instruction by my management team to stay quiet and let them deal with it.

My statement clearly had done no good. I just wish today would end. My head was still pounding, no amount of ibuprofen would clear this today, it was relentless.

Chelsea has been a star, checking in with me all day to make sure I was okay. I'm just grateful we were not in a position for our relationship to be common knowledge or she would have been hounded all day by the same people too.

Fortunately, an hour or so ago, Daniel's parents and family had also put out a statement, standing by me. Refuting all claims against me. They had said they saw me asking for the crowd to show some respect and that a complete chancer was trying to make themselves famous off of their sons death.

I would be forever in their debt now for standing by me during such a tough time in their lives. My respect levels for them were as high as they could be.

As I reached Alice's apartment, the knot in my stomach returned. As much as I wanted to make things up to her, I was dreading seeing her. Would she still be as angry as she was with me this morning?

I take one final deep breath as I ring on her doorbell, within seconds the sound of the door unlocking itself clicks much louder than usual. This damn headache!

I sheepishly poke my head around the door as I kick it open. "Did someone order an Indian takeaway?"

I push the door open and walk in to the apartment. "Alice?"

She was nowhere to be seen, but she had just opened the door? Where could she have gone? "Alice? It's me. Where are you?"

"I'll be out in a minute. The plates are out on the side, start dishing the food out and I'll be with you." Her voice slightly muffled from behind one of the doors inside the apartment.

I shrug my shoulders and place the plastic bags down on the side and begin to dish out the food on to plates. I look up to see a bottle of wine and two glasses laid out for us.

Really? She knows full well the last two times we've been alone and drinking what that's led to. Given the fact that I am trying to make up to her for being a complete dick for this exact reason.

I sit myself down at her table and lay the two plates out. "Alice, it's ready. Hurry up before it goes cold." I sit down, refusing to acknowledge the wine, leaving it on the side. I would not pour them out on principal now, I'm not being blamed for plying her full of alcohol just so she can blame me for us falling into bed again.

Not tonight. Tonight was about fixing our friendship.

"I'm coming." She yelled back. A phrase I usually love to hear but hearing Alice shout them out now brought back the knot in my stomach, my palms began to sweat and my heart pounding as much as my head still was. How has our relationship turned like this so quickly?

"Good evening, Noah."

I glanced up to see her stood in the doorway, leaning her shoulder on the doorframe, her arms crossed as her eyes glared towards me.

I was speechless from what I saw.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

She pushed herself from the doorframe and began walking towards me wearing nothing but matching black lacy bra and panties, black stockings pulled up to just above her knees.

I had come here to reconcile our friendship, she clearly had other ideas on how she wanted me to make it up to her.


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